Page 108 of X My Heart

“You don’t need to love me,” he yells. “You didn’t need to fucking use me, or try to be my friend. I …”

He stumbles backwards, like it hits him just now that I’m going to die. He takes another step away from me while I try to move my hand to grab his, but I can’t. His body shakes with anger. There is pain in his eyes. Our gazes meet, and I want to forget the last weeks ever happened.

“Please,” I beg. “I love you.”

“Don’t you fucking say that,” he growls.

“Please, Hunter. Please listen to me. I love you.”

“No,” he says, storming to the door. Looking over his shoulder he says, “Leave me alone,” his voice cold and full of hate.

“Hunter, don’t.” My hands are shaking. I cover my mouth. “I love you. I’m so sorry,” I sob.

He shakes his head. “Don’t,” he whispers, leaving me alone in my room, slamming the door shut behind him. I need to go after him. I grab hold of the chair. My legs start to wobble and I fall, hitting my head, and everything fades away.


I storm out of the house, slamming the front door behind me.

I run down the steps. “FUCKKKK!” I yell, pacing in front of the house. My knuckles are raw and covered in blood. I smear the red on my wet shirt. Falling to my knees, I scream.

“Fuck, no!” She can’t die; she can’t leave me. I place my hand over my chest, the place she tore my heart from.

Slowly, I stand and walk to my apartment, stopping every time I take a step. “Keep walking. Keep walking,” I tell myself until I stop. I can’t leave her alone; I love her. I fucking love her more than she knows. Running back into the house, I take the stairs two at a time.

“Shorty?” I search the room. She’s not in her bed. I open the bathroom. Where the fuck is she?

“Sky, where …” Spotting her lifeless legs I run to the other side of the bed.

“Babe?” I plead, turning her over. Why isn’t she waking up? Bile rises in my throat. I shake her hard. She isn’t breathing. “No, God, please,” I beg.

I check her neck for a pulse. It’s faint. I grab her phone from the nightstand and hit the emergency button.

“Nine-one-one, what is your emergency?” the dispatcher asks.

“It’s my girl. She isn’t breathing,” I sob. I don’t know what to do.

“Slow down, sir. Explain to me what happened,” she says.

“She’s dying. We need an ambulance,” I shout, giving the dispatcher the address, and drop the phone. “Don’t leave me,” I yell, shaking Sky. She slowly opens her eyes. “Honey,” I cry, kissing her lips. Her hand on my cheek is so cold.

“You came back,” she breathes.

“Baby, hold on.” I pick her up, and carry her downstairs. She closes her eyes again. “No,” I whisper, walking outside with her to the porch. It’s like time stops until the sirens reach the house.

“Shorty,” I plead, swaying her in my arms. Tires screech, followed by the EMTs running up the porch steps.

“What happened?” One of them asks as they take her from me and check her vitals. “I don’t know.” I stammer, “She—I—had trouble breathing, she fell and lost consciousness.”

“Are you her husband?” one asks. I nod.

They examine her briefly, checking all her vitals, and her airways. One paramedic rushes over and brings a gurney. They lift her on it.

“I need to intubate her,” the older guy says. Once she’s intubated, and her chest expands from the new air that enters her lungs, the color slowly returns to her cheeks.

“We need to go now,” the paramedic says.

“I’m not leaving her,” I tell them, my voice cracking.

They share a look and the female paramedic nods. “Get into the back,” she tells me.

I follow them out and step into the waiting ambulance. I take Sky’s hand in mine and we speed away.

I kiss her knuckles. “Don’t leave me,” I sob. “Don’t you fucking leave me,” I splutter, tears blurring my vision of her beautiful face.