Page 105 of X My Heart

“You’re all wet,” she says. Her voice sounds different, far away.

I stare at my clothes and start to laugh. “Yes, I guess I am.” I pull my shirt over my head.

Her shaking hand skims my naked chest. I take my pants off and sit next to her, letting the warm water cover us like a blanket. She lays her head on my shoulder and tries to take my hand in hers, but she can’t open her fist. I kiss her knuckles. We sit there not saying anything. I hold her close until my fingers start to prune.

“Are you getting warmer?” I ask, my voice a little unsteady.

“Yes.” She nods, quiet tears running down her face. “I am. Thank you.”

“You almost burned the house to a crisp,” I say, kissing her forehead, and she winces when I do. My lips brush her temple, and she closes her eyes.

“I’m sorry,” she whispers. “I’m sorry for not letting you in, for not telling you the truth from the beginning.”

“I’m sorry for yelling at you. I love you, Shorty, and I don’t care if you don’t feel the same.”

She closes her eyes in pain. “We shouldn’t… I’m only going to hurt you.”

“No, you gave me purpose. You make me feel wanted.” I tell her, and she buries her face in my shoulder.

Turning her cheek, I kiss her lips, and she lets me.

She pulls me into her. “I’m so sorry.” Her eyes are big. She grimaces as she slowly moves her legs.

“Are you okay?” I ask, concerned.

Shaking her head, she replies, “I don’t know how to answer that question anymore.” She bites on her lip like she’s in pain.

“Can you get me off the floor?” she asks after a while.

“Sure,” I answer, taking her into my arms, her naked wet body against mine. She lays her head on my shoulder as I turn the shower faucet off. I carry her in my arms and set her on the bed. I grab a towel and put it over her shoulders.

“Let’s get you dry,” I husk out through the lump in my throat, and my eyes start to sting. She nods and lets me dry her off. It is the most intimate thing I’ve ever done in my life. And she lets me.

She closes her eyes when my hands skim over her naked flesh. Goose bumps cover her body. It’s not sexual; it’s something else, like she trusts me unconditionally.

I drape a towel around my waist. I catch her watching me, and she smiles. “Don’t peek,” I say, winking.

“Nothing I haven’t seen before.” She tries to smile but her eyes are sad.

I kneel in front of her, pulling a tank top over her head. After going through her drawer, I grab the white lace panties she bought all those weeks ago. I help her stand and slowly trace the lines of her long legs while I pull her underwear up. My mouth is face-to-face with the place I want to bury my tongue in, but I don’t.

I lick my lips as I stand, towering over her. She’s so helpless, so small, swaying a little when she places both her hands on my chest, steadying herself.

“Do you have trouble standing sometimes?” Fuck, what the hell is happening to her? When we texted last week nothing seemed wrong, but what about the way her voice sounds almost hoarse, like she has trouble speaking every now and then? And the fact she can barely lift her arms, or use her legs? This isn’t from smoking too much marijuana. My stomach actually turns and I feel bile rising in the back of my throat, is she sick?

“Yes, I do, it’s gotten worse so fast.” Her hands are cold. For a brief moment I close my eyes, having missed her touch. I crave it more than I want to admit.

Gotten worse so fast? What the hell is she talking about? I hold her for the longest time, rocking her from side to side, her feet not even touching the ground. I kiss her lips over and over.

“You want to lie down?” I choke on my own voice, and the lump in my throat. She nods, and I help her get under the covers.

I lie down beside her. She lays her head on my chest, and I kiss her damp hair.

“What’s going on, Sky?” I ask, the uneasy feeling never leaving me.

She swallows and gazes up into my eyes. “I’m sick, Hunter.”

“You need me to get you some aspirin?” I ask, scanning the room, placing my hand on her forehead. She doesn’t feel warm.