Page 100 of X My Heart

“No, darling, you healed it. Because of you he’s never felt more alive. I see it in his eyes, the way he smiles, the way he is on and off the track. Hunter is still a combustible asshole but he’s trying to be a better man,” he says, sounding proud.

He stands and kisses my forehead. “But I want you to read something I wrote to you a long time ago,” handing me the envelope.

“We’ll be gone early tomorrow for the races in New Mexico and Colorado, but we will be back by the end of next week, take these days to figure out want you want. You can stay here as long as you like.”

“Thanks, Dad, I will,” I say. He flashes me a sad smile before leaning against the windowsill. With trembling fingers, I open the letter and start to read.

Dear Sky,

I’m writing to let you know I miss you. I’ve missed you ever since you and your mom left California.

I’m sorry I haven’t been the dad you needed these last few years. I talked to your mother and she told me you are going out a lot in the city. She also told me about you spending time with Timothy. I hope you are happy, baby girl.

Do you still wear the necklace I gave you? Every night, before I go to sleep, I put on the song I used to sing to you—“Free Bird,” you remember? I hope you hear it all the way out there on the East Coast.

I need to tell you something. I took in a kid; his name is Hunter. He is a couple years older than you are. He reminds me of myself when I was a hell raising teenager, always getting into trouble.

His past still haunts him, and I try my best to stop him from fucking up. He makes me smile and makes me want to kill him on a daily basis. You two would probably get along.

I hope one day you’d like to come and visit. I am here.

We still need to talk about all the things we didn’t say. And I’m sorry I never visit you. I blame it on the traveling and training, but I’m scared. Scared of the young woman I’ll meet. I wish you were here, kiddo. I’m still trying to find the man I never got to be.

I know I’m selfish but I hope someday you will forgive me and maybe then I will start to forgive myself for leaving you the way I did.

Your Dad

With tears streaming down my cheeks I clutch the letter to my chest.

Jay hugs me from behind. “I’m sorry for everything.”

“I’m sorry too. I love you,” I tell him, meaning every word.

His body shudders, “You have no idea how much that means to me. Having you here is a dream come true. Stay a little longer, baby girl,” he pleads.

“I will, Dad,” I promise him. “I’ll keep holding on.”

Jay, Mac and the boys leave for Phoenix early the next day.

“Sure you’re going to be all right?” Dad asks, giving me a hug.

“It’s only two weeks, go win some titles,” I tell him, leaning against the porch railing as I watch Drew and Mac put the last of the suitcases in the van. I wave at them and they do the same.

Hunter hops up the porch, and stops a couple of steps down from me, so we’re on eye level.

Dad hugs me again, and gives him a pat on the shoulder before he heads to the car.

“You gonna be okay alone?” Hunter asks, pushing his hands in his back pockets.

“I will be, Jay stocked up on food, and I’ve got enough books to read and records to listen to.”

“I know I told you I need time,” he murmurs, looking anywhere but at me. “But if you get bored,” he says, locking eyes, “you got my number, Shorty,” he winks, and kisses my cheek.

“Hunt!” Dad growls, “get down here.”

“Duty calls. Hey, if you’re lonely at night hit me with a u up,” he grins, flicking his tongue over his lip piercing.

“My fingers had enough practice being alone these last years,” I tell him, and his eyes flick to the tiny shorts I’m wearing. I like teasing him, and judging by his smile he loves every minute of it too. “Maybe I’ll FaceTime you, and let you watch,” I joke, but mean every word.