Page 10 of X My Heart

Jay shakes his head, grinning he throws him a phone. “Oh, yeah? Some girl called—said you’re going to be a father in nine months. How’s that for a good night’s sleep?” He flips him off.

I stifle a giggle. The look on Hunter’s face is priceless.

“It’s called humor, Hunt. Look it up,” Jay deadpans.

Drew laughs. “Wouldn’t be the first time he missed a punchline.”

Hunter flashes him a toothy grin. “Fuck you, Drew. Once I get the feeling in my hands back, I’m going to punch your lights out.”

“I’d like to watch you try. You remember last time?” Drew taunts, poking his tongue in his cheek. Hunter gives him the finger in response.

“Hey, guys, are we expecting company?” the older guy says exiting the garage, and points with his thumb in the direction of my car.

“Not me, probably one of Drew’s good night fucks,” Hunter drawls, and Drew’s cheeks turn pink.

“Jealous, asshole?” Drew counters.

“Damn we’re home two minutes and I’m already dreaming about pussy,” Hunter whines, scratching the side of his shaved head.

Jay chuckles and says, “Behave yourself, son.”

“Guys, but for real whose car is that, are you expecting someone, Jay?” Drew asks. “I don’t want to kick some other poor chick out just because Hunt can’t keep it in his pants.”

“Fuck you,” Hunter drawls, “maybe that guy from the gas station finally decided to make a move,” he whistles, a smirk playing on his lips.

“No, I don’t think so,” Jay answers, looking in the direction of where I’m hiding behind a tree, like a damn coward.

Taking a deep breath, I tell myself, “Let’s do this,” and I walk up to them.

“W-what t-the…” Jay stutters, taking a step away from me.

I give them a wave. “Hello, Jay,” I say, locking eyes with my father.

He opens and closes his mouth, like he can’t believe I’m actually here after all these years. The other guys hover by the truck, staring at me.

“Is it really you?” Jay asks, wiping at his forehead. He hobbles a couple of steps closer to me. He crashed his bike during the world championships when I was ten, and could never ride or walk normally again thanks to his busted up ankle.

“Hi, Jay,” I say, fumbling with the silver bird hanging around my neck. His eyes fly to my hand, and I immediately let go of the necklace.

“Kid,” he says, his voice cracking. Before I can blink, he hugs me tight to his chest. After a couple of awkward seconds he lets me go, and takes off his baseball cap. He runs a shaking hand through his hair. “Sorry, I wasn’t expecting you so soon. If I had known, I would have, you know, been here.”

I can only stare at him, my father, who I haven’t seen in five years.


He said he wasn’t expecting me so soon.

“I want you to meet my guys.” He motions with his chin for them to come over.

“Fuck, kid, you’ve grown,” Jay whispers, staring at me as hard as I’m staring at him.

The bad boy walks over. Shit the guy is even hotter up close. His ice-blue eyes running over my body ignite a secret thrill deep inside.

“This is Hunter,” Jay says.

“What up?” Hunter drawls, giving me a two-fingered wave.

He keeps checking me out from top to bottom. “I’m Sky,” I say, ignoring the way my heart skips a beat at his obvious appraisal.