Page 35 of Ranger Danger

“Had fun?” Trent asks mockingly while I turn around and stalk to my van.

“Screw you, I told you to stay the hell away from me.”

He grabs my arm and roughly slams me against the side of his car. I cringe at the pain. “Trent, let me go.”

He digs his fingers into my flesh. “We had a deal, Evelyn.”

“It’s Storm,” I bite out, trying to get out from under his hold.

“Whatever. The deal was that my family would help your father, and you would be the woman on my arm. Our last names are the only two that mean anything in this country. It doesn’t matter that we’re both using each other, can’t you see that?” he taunts, his voice shrill in comparison to Rafe’s deep timbre. “I promised your father to get you out of this shithole; stop wasting both of our time, Evelyn.”

Trent keeps me captive against the car, painfully twisting my arm while tears spring into my eyes. He plants his lips on my cheek and whispers in my ear. “Your father knew what he was doing sending you here. He knew you would fuck him, being the slut you are. You know the guy had a prison sentence hanging over him when he almost killed a man? We only needed your testimony to seal the deal, and you fucked it up.”

“What?” I gasp, staring at the station. “My father planned it all along?”

“Do not pretend you didn’t know, if the red mark on your neck is any indication. Did you have fun getting fucked by that piece of shit savage?” he spits out, pushing me hard against the door, my teeth rattling as he draws his hand back, ready to strike.

A roar fills the air, and Rafe’s body slams Trent to the ground. I stumble and hit my cheek against the side of the car, tears blurring my vision while Betty barks and growls from the car and Jack lunches for Trent’s leg. Rafe keeps on hitting him, the sound of flesh hitting flesh filling the air. Wes has to pull him off of Trent.

“Let me fucking go! I’m going to kill him. He was going to hit my girl!” Rafe roars, ready to attack again. He stops when his eyes land on my face, and he falls to his knees in front of me.

Trent stumbles to his car. “Your family is never going to forgive you for this; you’ll both be hearing from my lawyers,” he threatens, his face a bloody mess.

“You can tell them to go to hell,” I yell, wiping at my eyes. “And try me, Trent, I’m sure your investors would like to know about the pyramid scheme you’re running.”

“Y-y-you wouldn’t,” he stutters, his face turning white.

“Leave before I fucking kill you,” Rafe spits out, his eyes coal black.

“You two deserve each other,” Trent says, and without another backward glance, he speeds away, snow flying everywhere around us.

“Kid,” Rafe pleads, brushing my hair out of my face. “Talk to me, are you okay?” he asks, while I stare into his bloodshot eyes.

“You were going to prison?” I ask, tears streaming down my cheeks.

He runs a hand through his hair, his blue eyes searching mine. “I was going to, but the charges were dropped,” he answers, softly brushing his thumb over my sore cheekbone.

“A-a-nd you didn’t think I could handle your past?”

Wes is watching us and stroking Jack’s fur. “You didn’t tell her?” he asks, shaking his head at Rafe, before turning to me. “He tried to protect me,” he says, his voice kind.

“Shut the fuck up, Weston,” Rafe bellows.

Wes holds up his hand in defense. “I’ll get her an ice pack for the swelling.”

“Thank you,” I whisper.

Rafe caresses my cheek. “It didn’t excuse my fucking behavior. I should have known better. That’s why you should stay far away from me, kid.”

“But I love you,” I say, my voice cracking.

I do, I love him.

I know it’s crazy falling for a man you barely know.

But I know in my heart I love every scarred part of him.

“You don’t.” He wipes an angry hand over his eyes. “Go and travel the world,” he says, kissing my forehead. “Look me up when you found what you’re looking for; I’ll still be here.”