Page 33 of Ranger Danger

“Your scars,” she whispers, running her fingertips over my soaked shirt.

“I was barely conscious when they airlifted me out. I spent months at the VA and got addicted to Oxy because of the pain. I shut out people; I lost my way. I got into a bar fight with Wes and some truckers and lost it. I almost went to prison for assaulting those guys. My PTSD fucked with my head. I’m so fucking angry, Storm,all the damn time. It took this land and the old ways of my forefathers to get me back on the right path. That’s why I don’t want to talk about the past. It gave me everything and took even more from me.” I swallow hard, fighting against the burning sensation in my eyes. “And I can’t do that to you. I still can’t make myself to grow my fucking hair out like my ancestors did before me. I’m still mourning the man I was, the man I’m never going to be withyou. I can’t be the man you want me to be!”

“I don’t want him; I want you, Rafe,” she says, caressing my face.

I push her hands away. “You can’t love me. When you love, you lose. My father left me and my mother to chase his oil money. Everyone leaves in the end, kid; it’s the way it is.”

“Give me a chance, Rafe. I’m sorry I lied, but it was already over between me and Trent before I got here, you have to believe me. I don’t know what he’s doing here.”

“You can’t stay,” I tell her, hot tears pricking my eyes. Even when the thought of her stepping in her damn van breaks my chest wide open. But I can’t hold her back. I’m not going to let her give up her dreams for a broken asshole like me.

“Why?” she asks, wiping at her tears. “You are never going to let me love you, are you?”

“I’m sorry, kid, but look at what I did to you,” I rasp, trying to keep my emotion in check as I run my fingertips over her neck. “I’m afraid,” I whisper, staring into her eyes. “I’m not going to hurt you anymore or hold you back.”

“Rafe, I’m a big girl, I can take it. I can take your big cock and your big heart,” she pleads, tears running down her face.

“I can’t do that to you. This isn’t your life; you’re better off out there. Go take your camera and see the world. There is nothing here for you except a forty-year-old guy with demons killing him a little more each day.”

“No.” She shakes her head. “I don’t believe that, Rafe. You are so much more. You are kind, brave, beautiful. I want you,you, please give me a chance,” she sobs, running her trembling fingers over the scars on my face.

I can’t, because once I ask her to stay with me, she’ll resent me for not chasing after her dreams. I want nothing more than to put a child in her and keep her captive, fucking her in front of the fire, and have her in my bed every night. “I need to let you go, honey,” I husk out, brushing my fingers through her hair. I press my lips to her forehead one last time. “I’m going to get your stuff,” I grunt, letting her go and disappearing into the house to fetch her shit. I grab a duffel and do a quick run-through of the house. I’m glad she stays outside because I know if she sets one foot through my door, I’m going to lock it and never let her walk away.

She’s waiting for me by her van. I can see she’s been crying; her eyes are red and puffy. I stop in my tracks. Am I going to let her go? “Here is the rest of your shit.” My voice breaks like my heart.

“I hate you,” she says, following me as I walk to her car.

“Get the fuck in,” I order.

“No,” she bites back defiantly.

“Open the goddamn door. I’m taking you back down. If you’re thinking I would fall in love with you in two days, you’re crazy, kid. It was just sex. How many times do I need to repeat myself?” I growl out, my heart truly breaking.

Tears stream down her face, and I watch her open her car with shaking hands. I dump her bag inside, and she gets into the driver’s seat. I whistle, and her dog jumps in with Jack hot on her tail. “No,” I order him. He howls but stays put. “Porch.” Reluctantly, he marches to his favorite spot near the stairs and lays down.

Storm is still sitting behind the wheel, staring straight in front of her.

“Hell no, you’re not driving on these roads, get in the passenger seat.”

She wipes at her nose but follows my orders. I get in, and before I know it, we’re slowly making our way down the hill to the ranger station. Without saying a word, I get us safely down and park next to a fucking Mercedes that is taking up two spaces in front of the building. I turn off the engine and grab the steering wheel hard, my knuckles turning white. I decide then and there that I’m going to kill the son of a bitch.

I make a move to get out, but she grabs my arm, locking me in place. “Rafe, please talk to me. What changed?” she pleads, her tiny hands grabbing the fabric of my shirt. “I don’t hate you; I’m falling in love with you.”

“You what?” I gasp.

“I love you,” she whispers, not breaking eye contact.

I shake my head. No,she can’t love me. Or can she?

A blond asshole steps out of the silver Mercedes and crosses his arms in front of him. A tiny little country club fucker who’s going to have her.

Storm swears under her breath and Betty barks.

I bare my teeth at the son of a bitch who’ll make her happy instead of me. Shaking my head, I grab her face between my big hands before sealing my fate by pressing my lips to hers. She melts into my touch and groans when I swirl my tongue against hers.

“Evelyn,” the guy yells, slamming his fist down on the hood. Even his voice is shrill.

I pull away from her. “I’m going to kill the son of a bitch,” I roar, making a move to open the door. “Wait, who’s Evelyn?”