Page 3 of Ranger Danger

I nod, not knowing what to say. I should thank him, but I can’t seem to form the words.

“I’ll make sure the dogs get some grub as well,” he says, not moving. I’m glad he doesn’t. I’m still cold, and I want nothing more than to be held in his strong arms. To forget about my life for a while. I bite on my bottom lip. I know nothing about this man. He could be an axe murderer, or a rapist for all I know. I glance around the room. There is a handgun lying next to a hunting rifle on the table, and I can’t make out the patch on his jacket. Is he a police officer, or a park ranger?

Betty trudges over to me and nudges my hand before licking my face. I bury my head in her fur and kiss her head. The other dog, who looks like a wolf, perks up and watches me closely.

“That dog saved your life, you know,” he says, not smiling he stares at me like a predator watches his prey.

What the hell have I gotten myself into?

And why do I like the possessive look in his eyes, and the way he’s watching me as if he’s going to have me for dinner.

I nod, not saying anything. A muscle jumps in his cheek while he stands and stretches his arms above his head, before scraping a hand over his military style cut. The man is enormous, his hands almost twice my size. His golden skin is covered with scars. Scratching his stomach—more like eight-pack—I stare at the bulge straining the cotton like it’s about to burst.

He murmurs a couple of swear words under his breath, and when he turns around, I get a peek of the tattoo on his shoulder blades. It reminds me of eagle feathers, or are they angel wings? Grabbing a long-sleeved shirt, a flannel, and some sweatpants, he quickly puts them on. He watches me carefully for a moment as my eyes dart to the gun and rifle on the table next to my camera that’s probably ruined.

“Don’t even think about touching my gun,” he orders. Stomping to the table, he grabs them both and secures them in a cabinet next to what looks like a radio setup; the vault disappears into the wall like something out of John Wick.

“Are you a police officer?” I ask, my voice trembling a little.

“Close, park ranger,” he answers, attaching the keys to his dog tags.

“At the reservation?” I cringe at my words.Way to go, Storm.

He turns around to look at me, and his eyes harden. “At Glacier.”

“I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to insult you. I mean, you kind of look like—” Fuck, I swear inwardly.

“Like a Native American?” His voice has an edge to it as he spits out the last part, crossing his arms in front of his broad chest.

“I didn’t mean—” My words coming out broken, I try to think up an apology for being such an asshole.

“Forget it, kid. I’ll make us something to eat.” He heads in the direction of the kitchen without another glance, picking up my clothes as he goes. Betty takes her place next to his dog and lies down, both watching me carefully.

I swear for real this time, pulling the blanket tighter around my body. I barely registered him taking off my clothes, but when he held me in his arms, I could feel every inch.All of him, the guy is a giant.

“You want tea? I put our stuff in the washer. They should be ready tomorrow,” he says, peeking around the corner of what I’m guessing is his kitchen.

“Yes, thank you. Wait, hold up, tomorrow?”

He flashes me a small, apologetic smile. “Yeah, you aren’t going out there for a while,” he grunts, motioning to the darkness outside. “Probably won’t for a couple of days, not until the storm breaks.”

“Days?” I ask, alarmed, holding his gaze.

He rolls up his sleeves, revealing his toned arms, and nods. “I’ll make us something and then you can tell me all about what the fuck you’re doing here on my property,” he grumbles over his shoulder.

“I’m—I’m sorry for what I said before.” My voice barely a whisper, I break out in a cold sweat as I lift my chin to compensate for my trembling voice.

He tilts his head and leans against the doorframe, slowly devouring me with his light blue eyes. I feel naked; I mean, I am naked. It’s like the man can stare straight into my soul. My heart starts to race; I’ve haven’t felt anything like this before in my life.

“Don’t worry about it. Comes with the territory. We don’t all wear our hair in long braids like in the movies, kid,” he murmurs, shrugging his huge shoulders before disappearing into the kitchen again.

Letting out a shaky breath, I glance around the cabin and smile when his deep voice echoes through the open space. “Jack heard your dog barking, that’s why we could locate you, not because of my SpideyNativesense,” he jokes, placing two bowls of dog food in front of them.


“Yeah, he’s Jack, and I’m Rafe.” His voice is soft as he locks eyes with me, before holding out his scarred palm for me to take. I reach out, and when our fingers touch, a jolt sparks between us. Gasping, I pull my hand back like he burned me.

A small smile warms his otherwise stoic face, his hard gaze filled with something else. Desire maybe? “Static electricity,” he says, giving me a wink, shattering my dream.