Page 50 of Lipstick Lies

I might have started this journey off for the wrong reason, but I was ending it for the right ones. I’d learned so much about myself and opened my heart up to, I daresay, four men. Now, I had my whole life to live with them.



Stepping into the room,the first thing I heard was the steady rhythm of a heartbeat. The sounds of medical equipment beeping were becoming too familiar to me. Asa smiled at me when I approached, and I eagerly went to him, needing to feel his arms around me.

“Hey, kiddo,” Samson said, drawing my attention to the bed. “You did good.” He smiled at me, and I returned it, happy to have his respect.

“What happened after you left me?” I asked, taking in the cast and bandage. He gave a dark chuckle.

“I was able to incapacitate the other guard and make it into the control room. With the assistance of one of my hackers, I disabled the bombs and was looking for you on camera when I was attacked from behind. You were right, by the way. Dex had a hidden area in the control room that he’d been in. We scuffled for a little, but I was easier to subdue with a broken arm and stab wound than I’d like to admit.”

I picked up his good hand, squeezing it. “You saved us. That’s all that matters.”

“Yeah, well, I wasn’t sure what to do when I saw you all. Your mask gave me the idea when I saw the canister. I knew even if the others inhaled it, that at least you’d be able to get out. It was my last ditch effort to save everyone.”

“Always got to be the hero,” a familiar voice said as she entered the room.

“Sawyer!” Jumping up from Asa, I ran a few feet to my pint-sized best friend and wrapped my arms around her. She held me tight, and I didn’t stop the tears that fell. There was nothing like a hug from your best friend to heal whatever you were suffering from.

“Wow, I can’t believe she gets the greeting and not your own flesh and blood,” my brother said from behind her. Rolling my eyes, I dropped Sawyer’s arms and hugged my brother next.

“Hey, big Brother,” I said as he wrapped me in his familiar Henry scent. His hug was longer and tighter than usual, and I wondered for the first time if I’d worried him.

“Hey, little Sis. I’m glad you’re okay.” Henry kissed my hair before stepping back, and I found Sawyer hugging Asa and her dad, griping at Samson for getting injured. Isla smiled over at me as she stood by her husband’s side, holding his hand, smiling at their children.

When it was apparent we wouldn’t get any more details from Samson, I excused myself from his room and went down the hall to check on Ryker and Cohen. They were being moved back to The Order once they were stable, but with the severity of Ryker’s injuries, they’d opted to bring them here first since it was closer.

Knocking softly, I stood at the door and looked at the two of them. Cohen’s smile immediately captured my heart, and he stood from the bed, already bandaged and dressed in some clean clothes. He tugged on my hand, pulling me into the room.

“Perfect timing, sweetheart. Please tell Ryker he’s being a stubborn ass.”

“You’re being a stubborn ass,” I said, not hesitating.

Ryker sputtered, looking at me in shock. Cohen cheesed, kissing me quickly before giving Ryker a smug smirk.

“What? You don’t even know what about,” Ryker argued, trying to shift but grimacing when something pulled at his injuries.

Jumping up on the bed Cohen had just vacated, I swung my feet as I stared at him. I shrugged one shoulder, looking at him.

“Don’t need to. I know you, and you’re always a stubborn ass. So, if Co-bear says you’re one, then I believe him.”

I heard Cohen groan behind me, but I kept my eyes locked on Ryker. His face stayed frozen for a second before he let out a laugh, then winced.

“Sorry, I’ll try to keep my hilarity to a minimum.” I jumped off the bed, tentatively sitting on the edge of his, and took his hand. “Ryker, what will it take for you to kiss me?” I dropped my head, the blush rushing up to cover my cheeks. But I figured we almost died. Why were we dancing around the issue?

He sputtered again, sounding like a drowning cat this time, so I braved it and peered up at him from under my eyelashes. His one eye stared at me, and I’d say I’d rendered the flirt speechless.

“You want me to kiss you? Even after everything that’s happened? I thought—”

I lifted my fingers and pressed them to his lips. “Stop thinking. That’s the problem.” Leaning forward, I kept my eyes open, watching if he wanted me to stop. When I was only a hair away, I paused. “Too much crap has gone down to worry about niceties. I like you. Cohen likes you. I think you like us both. So, stop fighting it and sacrificing yourself for the greater good and just—”

This time it was Ryker who shut me up, pressing his lips to mine. My eyes stayed open, staring into his, and I saw the fear but also the relief and joy. Closing mine, I gently placed my hands on his jaw, cupping it as I pressed my lips harder into his. After a few seconds, I pulled back, giving him a lingering look.

“It was as perfect as I always imagined kissing you would be,” Ryker whispered, lifting his one good hand to stroke my cheek and hair. “Even bruised, broken, and stitched up, I couldn’t imagine a more perfect first kiss with you, little hacker.”

“Now, will you agree to come back with us?” Cohen asked. He leaned into my back, and I suddenly realized how close he’d moved toward me. I dropped one of my hands and took his.