Page 77 of Self Control

She found the one who originally aimed a gun at her, but she saw that Dexter was already handling the situation. She turned around in a circle, noticing that all threats seemed to be neutralized. Jezebeth was currently playing with her victim, which was expected. She took running and the chase as encouragement, after all.

She noticed something after another few seconds and swore up a storm. The Vulture man was gone.

She resisted the urge to run out of the restaurant and try to find him. It would do no good to go on a manhunt tonight. She already had one planned for a certain long-haired blonde anyway.

"Mykie?" A quiet voice said from her left. She looked and saw that Renly was still crouched behind the table she left him at. When she made eye contact with her, she saw him flinch before his face was void of any fear.

"We need to get you out of here. Now," Mykie bit out. She grabbed his arm and didn't give him a choice as she yanked him up and pushed him towards the door.

"Did anyone see him?" Dexter asked, coming up beside her.

"Not that I know of. No one that's still breathing, at least," Mykie answered, staring straight ahead.

"Jezebeth!" she yelled as she noticed that she was still playing with the man.

"Fine! You always ruin my fun," Jezebeth yelled, stabbing the man and kicking him before she stepped over the body. She ran up to Dexter's side and tucked herself under his arm.

Once they got outside, she noticed that Dexter had pulled up beside her car. She guided Renly in that direction.

"What the hell happened in there, Mykie?" Renly asked.

"Get in the car," she commanded, ignoring his question entirely as she pulled Dexter's passenger seat door open.

Renly climbed inside and turned to look at her. "Are you going to answer my question?"

Mykie reached forward and gripped his face with a bloodied hand. "Look at me. You're going to go home, and you're going to stay inside for the next few days. Am I clear?"

"Your shoulder." He spoke through squeezed cheeks.

"I'll be fine. It only a flesh wound. I'm more worried about your safety at the moment. Now nod that you understood me. Go home and stay inside."

He nodded and she released her tight grip on his face, exchanging it to a gentle caress of his cheek. She leaned in and kissed his cheek. When she leaned back, she looked into scared green eyes and whispered, "I don't know what I would have done if you had gotten hurt, Renly. I can't lose you now before anything's actually begun."

She stood up straight, ignoring the way he seemed to stare at her in wonder. "Jezebeth, I want you to drive him home. Dexter, you're with me."

"Alright! Where's the keys?" she asked Dexter, making grabby-hands in his direction. Mykie watched Jezebeth's face and sighed. She was still high off the fight, and she was in no condition to drive in her state.

"No, no. I'm switching. Dexter, get him home safely. Jezebeth, you're getting your chance to get a shot in with Jered," Mykie ordered with a grin.

"Yahoo!" she yelled, pumping her fist as she turned on her heels and climbed inside Mykie's car.

Mykie looked at Renly one last time. "Do you have a gun in your house?"

He nodded.

"Don't be afraid to use it if you have to."

With that said, she sent a nod to Dexter who nodded back and got in his car. She rounded the car and got into her own. She leaned her head on the steering wheel and took a deep breath. As much as she wanted to get out and drive Renly herself, she needed to focus on the more important task right now. Eliminating the threat that was now presented to her family.

She trusted Dexter to protect Renly with his life while she was gone, if he had to. She just hoped it wouldn't have to come to that.

Total Devastation

"Come out, come out wherever you are, Jered!" Jezebeth sing-songed as she and Mykie entered Pearl's. She twirled her knife in her hand as she searched out the man. Mykie had filled her in on any information that was revealed before she and Dexter arrived, and she was livid. In a place that was all about acceptance and family, betrayal wasn't something the Cantil took easily.

The middle of the room cleared out as they saw the two well-known girls coming through the room covered in blood. Mykie spotted Ghost on the edge of the room, and she wondered if he'd always been that obvious to spot, or she was growing hyper-aware of his presence all of a sudden.

She caught the wink he sent her way and she almost stopped in her tracks. What was that for?