Page 60 of Self Control

"Is that supposed to make me feel better about waiting for her? That she'll make time for me whenshefeels like it?" he asked, raising his eyebrow.

He had a point, as much as she didn’t want to admit it.

He shook his head, opening his mouth to speak before she could think of a response. "We shouldn't be talking about this. You're friends with Jezebeth—”

She grabbed his hands and pulled him toward his bed, surprising him into silence midsentence. One they both were sitting on the bed, facing each other, Mykie spoke. "You're my best friend, Dex. I'm going to take your side in most things, no matter what," she said softly.

"I shouldn’t make you chose a side."

"Which is why I'm not. I'm only pointing out your rights and wrongs, just like you always done for me." She patted his hand on the bed.

He sent her small smile.

"But it doesn't make it right what you're doing with Noah. Just because it's easy doesn’t make it fair to him."

He pinched the bridge of his nose. "I know. It…it just happened. It surprised me just as much as it surprised you."

Mykie changed her attitude with a frown. She wasn’t used to being the “Dexter” of the situation. He didn't need to hear his thoughts reflected back at him. He needed the friend she’s always been for him, a friend to gossip and talk through his problems with.

"What happened? Who kissed who?" she asked, leaning forward.

He rolled his eyes but gave her a small grin. "He came over this morning, and he was nervous about something. He was sort of acting the same way as he was on our guy night on Friday. I asked if he wanted to sit down and play video games again and he seemed shocked I asked. So, we were sitting back, and one thing led to another..."

"So, what are you going to do about it, now that it happened? You said it's easier than being with Jez, but do you actually want tobewith Noah?"

"I don't know." He let out a frustrated sigh. "I'm going to have to talk to Noah and figure out where this is coming from before I start to even think of it more than an accident."

"Are you going to mention it to Jez?"

He groaned. "Should I? I don't want to make it a huge deal if nothing comes of it. Beth and I haven't even talked about whether we're going to be together, or if this is just a repeat of every other time."

"I think she genuinely cares about you Dex. She really wants to try this time, if you're willing to. I completely understand not telling her, though. She's had her fun dating different people, so why can't you?" she asked with a wink.

He rolled his eyes. "Let's stop talking about me. What did you come here for? It seemed urgent."

"Can't I just come over because I want to spend time with you?" she tried to stick out her lip out and pout, but Dexter wasn’t convinced.

Mykie had the decency to blush. "It wasn'turgent, alright? I wanted to talk to you about those boys..."

"…and Jezebeth is pushing you about them, so you came to me," he finished with a nod. "Understandable. What's the problem though?"

"Everything!" She groaned, flopping back until she bounced her head against one of Dexter's pillows. "There's Caspar, who you've met. Then Corbus. Sweet andkindCorbus. But then there's Renly! Renly, who is being sounderstanding! Then don't even get mestartedon Blaine."

"So, what's the problem, exactly?"

Mykie covered her eyes. "There's too many of them, Dex. Too much testosterone, too much kindness, too many times alone with boys I shouldn't be thinking about. I started with Renly... I shouldn't be thinking about the other options. It's not fair. Not fair to them, and it's not fair that I'm feeling these things."

"No one ever said life was fair, Myk," Dexter said, his tone bitter as he laid down beside her, propping his head up with a hand. "Don't focus on the fairness. What do you want to do with the boys?"

"Jezebeth joked about—"

"I didn't ask what she thought about it," he said, cutting her off. "Put all the opinions aside. Just tell me whatyouwant."

"I want them. All of them," she whispered. She lowered her arm off her eyes so she could see Dexter's reaction. He didn't look at her with judgment, which made her sigh in relief. "Tell me what I need to do, Dex. I need your help."

He shook his head. "I can't do that. If I had to suggest anything, I believe you should just follow your heart, no matter how corny that sounds. If you tell the boys what you're feeling, it becomes a fair playing field for them all, if they still want to be with you. Until you're honest with them, you're going to keep beating yourself up about it, though. The sooner you tell them, the better." He paused. "Besides, it's not like you’re making a commitment. You're telling them your intentions, and they're free to walk away if they don't like it."

"Thanks, Dexter," Mykie murmured. "You always know the right thing to say."