Page 21 of Self Control

"What? But my car—"

"—is un-drivable if you can't even put pressure on your foot to walk," Mykie said, cutting him off. She helped him over to the passenger seat as Jezebeth held the door open. He gave them both a wary look before he got in. He looked almost as if he was questioning his sanity to get into her car. I’d be questioning mine, too, if an obvious Cantil along with a girl that carried around one-hundred bills and gave them out like candy just put you in their car. She’d be regretting doing so, however, as that bill was supposed to go to Jezebeth for the rent.

Jezebeth closed the door and leaned back against the hood of Mykie’s car. She sent Mykie a pouty frown when she noticed her looking. "Well, I was at least hoping to get some eggs and toast before everything went bottom's up today."

Protection Enforced

Dexter and Noah didn't take long inside the diner. However, they came back with more than just Caspar's things.

"Dexter!" Jezebeth squealed, taking the offered plate full of bacon, eggs, and toast.

Noah had a burger in his hands that he looked to be almost done with. Dexter had grabbed nothing edible for himself, but Mykie was sure that was only because his other hand was holding Caspar's phone, keys, jacket, and wallet. He handed the items over to Mykie, save for the keys.

"Are you going to drive him to the hospital, or should I?" he asked.

Mykie sighed. "I publicly claimed him in front of them and most of the restaurant, so it's my job to take care of him. If anyone inside knew who we are, they're going to be on a lookout to see if my claim was true and I’m afraid for him."

Dexter nodded, knowing how it worked. It was the same way he had a responsibility to make sure Mykie was taken care of. Cantil yet or not, Dexter claimed her in the Snake Pit, so it was extra binding. Anything she did wrong fell back on him, and she hated it. She was rash and headstrong, and that backlashed on Dexter, who’d decided to take a girl under his wing before he even knew a thing about her personality.

“I wouldn’t be worried about what happened in there. I’d be more worried about Chance’s reaction.”

Dexter knocked on his window and stepped back so Caspar could open the door. "I'm driving your car back home. Which one is yours, and what's your address?"

"It should be in the GPS under ‘Home’," Caspar stated, pointing to a red car, which was three vehicles down from Mykie's car. Dexter nodded and ruffled Mykie's hair before he took off in that direction.

"Which one of you drove here?" Mykie asked, eying the two of them.

Jezebeth raised her hand.

"Good. Noah, follow Dexter in his car so he has a way back to his apartment. Jezebeth, head home and we'll discuss what we're going to do at Pearl's once Chance is back. I have a feeling that after this display, I'm going to have some explaining to do."

Both Jezebeth and Noah nodded. Jezebeth sent her a fake-salute, mouthing'Aye, Captain!'in her direction before setting off in the direction of her car.

Once she was standing alone, she circled around to the car and hopped into the driver's seat.

"Feeling all right still?" She turned her key and placed an arm on the back of Caspar's seat, turning around so she could see as she backed out of the parking spot. She caught Caspar's nod out of the corner of her eye and smiled. "Got to give me something verbal, or I'll start to think you lost your voice."

"Y-Yeah,” he choked before he cleared his throat. “I'm fine. Besides my foot."

"Great. I'm assuming you have anything you might need for a hospital in your wallet, right? All your medical cards?" Mykie turned back around and started to get out of the parking lot that had once brought her stress-relief and joy.

"Yes," he answered.

"Great. There's a hospital a few minutes from here that should be able to fix you up," Mykie rambled. "They take even the worst insurance, so you should be fine. Not that they do abadjob. They just don't judge whether or not you deserve to see a doctor on whether or not you have a certain insurance or n—"

"What did you mean by being under your protection back there? Is that supposed to mean something?" he blurted, his fists clenched in his lap as he pointedly looked away from her.

"That's not important right now, all right?" Mykie sighed, tapping her fingers on the wheel.

"Being my protector, or whatever?" he asked. Mykie could feel his gaze beating into the side of her face now.

"You’re not going to let it go, are you?" she muttered under her breath. "Basically, your safety, health, and overall protection fall under my jurisdiction now. It's my job to make sure you're in tip-top shape, and in return, no one touches a pretty hair on your head." The words felt like they just spilled from her tongue, and she had no control over the situation anymore.

“That’s crazy. I don’t even know you!” he exclaimed.

When she reached a stop light, she turned and held her hand out to Caspar. “Mykie Vesper. You’re Caspar Watson. Now the necessary introductions are out of the way.”

He just stared at her hand.