Page 15 of Self Control

Mykie rolled her eyes. Of course, Jezebeth wouldn't have a problem with Mykie going home with a stranger. Jezebeth had no problem going home with anyone that looked halfway decent to her, whether she knew them for a while, a customer, or someone she bumped into on the streets.

Dex: Beth called me. Late breakfast better?

Mykie chuckled. Dexter always knew what she needed before she knew herself. She texted him back, letting him know that breakfast at eleven would be perfect. Once the text was sent, she slipped the phone into one of the pockets on the side.

She felt a hand on her back, and she smiled softly, slowly becoming more comfortable with the touch. She looked up at Renly, noticing his quick intake of breath as he looked away.

He gestured with his head towards the stairs. "Ready?"

Mykie nodded and allowed him to guide her to the stairs. He let her go first then followed behind her after a few steps. Corbus was in the kitchen still, but he was at the sink washing the pan she used.

"What are you doing? Every time you do something in that sink, I need to buy more plates," Renly stated, rushing over to the sink once they reached the bottom of the stairs.

Corbus jumped and put his hands up as Renly reached him, moving out of his way.

"Noteverytime," Corbus pointed out. There was the mischievous look he had the night before.

"You're right," Renly conceded. “The other times end in a kitchen fire."

When Renly was done, he dried his hands off on a rag hanging next to the drying rack. For a bachelor pad, the place looked very put together. A rush of fear ran through Mykie’s body. He doesn’t have a girlfriend, right? Oh, God. She just slept in the same bed as someone that probably has a fiancé already. Last night was probably his bachelor night and she was his last hurrah. She knew a guy like him wouldn’t just pick her out if he was looking for something meaningful. She needed to get out of there.

She watched Renly pick up a piece of bacon off the plate on the table and grin. "This tastes amazing. When did you start learning to cook?"

Corbus rolled his eyes. "Mykie made it."

Two pairs of eyes looked at the girl, who was trying to collect her shoes without bending down and sticking her butt in the air. When she looked back at the silent boys, it was Renly who reacted the fastest.

"Can you grab Mykie a pair of shorts? She's closest to your size," Renly asked, nudging Corbus and picking up another piece of bacon.

"You have to go? Already?" Corbus frowned.

"I… I already had plans for today," Mykie said, stumbling over her words as she attempted to explain herself. "I mean, I have a lunch meeting."

"Then you have time to finish breakfast, don’t you?" Corbus questioned, pushing one of the plates forward. He didn’t press for too long before he stood up and went down the hallway where Mykie assumed his room was.

Mykie looked at Renly, pleading for him to help her out. He shrugged his shoulders, smirking at her.

"Youdidsay you were hungry. Besides, you made it, so why not sit down and eat more?" Renly asked, pulling a chair out for himself.

Mykie groaned internally. They weren't going to let her go until she sat down to eat.

"I might be able to stay for a little while," Mykie conceded.

Corbus made a noise and fist-pumped as he came back down the hallway, shorts and a belt hanging in his other hand. "Great!" He held out the clothes. "Here. I brought a belt just in case they're still too loose."

Mykie took the cargo shorts, unbuttoning the front of them before she stepped into them. While she wasn't a size two nor was she curvy, she did have that common problem for girls where her waist never correlated with the size of the bottoms she needed for her butt or thighs. Corbus was right to bring the belt, though, as the waist hung slightly loose on her body.

When she looked up after putting the belt on, Corbus was holding back a grin. "You don't look half-bad. Kind of like you're going on some sort of business trip. You're missing something, though...."

She started to fidget after a while from the attention she was receiving.

"Throw her hair up in a ponytail or hat, and she looks like she might play golf," Corbus said, completely serious as he fixed his glasses. “Still cute, though.”

Mykie rubbed her arm awkwardly as her face grew hot. What was she supposed to say to that? She was used to other words describing her, but ‘cute’ wasn’t a common one.

"Leave her alone," Renly said, coming to her rescue. "You're going to scare her off."

Corbus frowned, throwing his arm around her shoulder and pulled her into his side. "That's impossible. A friend of yours is a friend of mine."