Page 8 of Self Control

"Is that what you tell people?" Jezebeth snorted, coming up beside Mykie again with a tray-full of drinks again, including the mug of beer.

"I'm great!" Mykie argued.

"You were almost two hours late, Myk. If that's a model employee, what the hell am I?" Jezebeth countered.

"A great friend that covers for me?" Mykie gave her a wide-eyed look.

Jezebeth chuckled, rolling her eyes. "Yeah, yeah. I better be for putting up with your ass." She punctuated her sentence with another slap on her butt. "Now get those to some tables before we have more angry customers on our hands."

Mykie laughed and took the tray from her. However, a gentle hand landed on her upper arm that stopped her.

"Wait," Renly said, placing his other hand on top of hers on the bottom of the tray. "Let me take that one."

He grabbed the mug of beer off the tray and it almost toppled the tray to the ground if not for her quick reflexes.

"Warn me next time, will 'ya?" Mykie snapped, setting the tray down on the counter carefully and begun to rearrange the drinks more evenly to avoid a repeat performance.

"Sorry, but I'd rather deliver that one than have you around that guy again," he explained before he stood up.

"Don't forget to ask for payment," she cried out, but he gave no indication that he heard her.

She lifted the tray up again and set off towards the tables again, thankful that the second round of passing out drinks went much smoother than the first one. Once she was done, she tucked the tray under her arm again and booked it towards the bar. She was surprised when she noticed Renly in the same seat as he was before.

She went over to that side of the counter after helping Jezebeth out with her bigger crowd.

"Were you going to order something?" She grabbed a glass.

He shook his head and held out a stack of bills, more than was necessary for one mug of beer.

"That's too much..." she trailed off.

"Not compared to assault charges against him, if you chose to. Especially with bruises." He frowned, looking at her arm. She looked down, and realized he was right. Her arm clearly sported finger marks that were almost guaranteed to bruise.

Mykie took the money as well as the bills in her back pocket and put it all in the box on the back counter where they kept their nightly earnings. It didn’t matter if it was exposed for people to see, as no one would be stupid enough to try to steal from the Cantils. Especially after what happened the first time.

Jezebeth came up beside her, speaking in her ear.

"Who's your friend?" she said in a low voice, depositing her own cash into the box.

"His name's Renly. I met him outside quickly, and he was partly the reason I was late," Mykie explained.

"Nice choice. He's not bad looking. Seems like he's interested in you, too."


Jezebeth grinned. "He hasn't taken his eyes off you since you led him over to the bar. If he doesn't want to get in your pants, then he's a psychopath. A hot psychopath. A win-win, in my opinion."

"Jez!" Mykie exclaimed, hitting her shoulder.

"What? As long as he's normal with me, I don't care what his day job or hobby is. Who knows? Maybe psychopaths are better at s—"

"Don't finish that," Mykie groaned, holding up a hand to stop her. "I don't want to know your fantasies."

Jezebeth chuckled but didn't finish. "Alright, I'll leave your prudish ears still slightly innocent." She paused, looking over in the direction that Renly was sitting in. "But psychopath or not, I'd snatch him up now before some drunk girl stumbles by looking for a good time."

When Mykie turned around, Renly hadn't moved, and they made eye contact. He sent her a small grin, which made her stomach flutter slightly.

"Go get him drunk. You get his wallet and a good time in one boy if you're successful," Jezebeth teased.