Page 76 of Self Control

Someone in front of her slowly clapped. She raised her head to look up at her new opponent. His hair was shaved on both sides of his head, but the top of his head was filled with voluminous red curls on top of his head.

"From the way Jered talks about you, you'd think you were something more impressive," he said with a cocky sneer. That’s where she recognized the two others. They were the two boys always following Jered around.

"At least people know my name. Can they say the same about you?" Mykie said sweetly.

The man scowled and balled his fisted. "You’re not known for much outside of that little shelter house of yours. You might think you're safe behind Chance, but you're not."

"Vultures bide their time," the man under her choked out.

She smiled darkly. She angled her pistol downwards and shot him twice in the shoulder. The blood sprayed back at her and she grinned up at the Vulture above her.

"There's nothing worse than a traitor," she murmured.

"We can agree on that," he said, not blinking an eye at her act of violence. "That doesn't change anything here. Where's Chance?"

"Why would I tell you a fucking thing?" she snapped.

"I heard you've set your sights on a new pup. What was his name again? Cas—"

Two bullets were shot in quick succession, which were dodged.

"You don't have a right to evensayhis name," she growled. "Stay away from him, or else."

"Or else what?" He chuckled. "We don't play by Chance's rules. He’s never earned our respect or protection."

He walked closer, his boots loudly slapping the floor being the only sound in the room as patrons, workers, and Renly watched the scene in front of them. "Give Chance a message for me. Tell him we know he knows information that would be valuable to us. We're close to finding him, and he won't be safe for long."

"I'm not your messenger girl," Mykie bit out.

She heard the doors slam open and gunshots went off. Mykie grew nervous that this man had somehow called for more of his men to come, but a warrior-cry broke through the sound of the fight before she saw a flash of green flying towards one of the guys in the distance. She barely repressed a smile. Leave it to Jezebeth to be the one to make a scene.

"Don't run away from me!" Jezebeth cackled, chasing after another guy with a knife who already lost his gun.

She spotted Dexter closer to the doors and fighting off a few guys himself. He seemed to be handling himself fine, so Mykie was left fending herself against her sole opponent.

"Tsk, tsk. I thought you fought your own fights. Maybe Jered wasn't the best informant, it seems. He always was a little too closed-mouth for my tastes," he stated as they circled each other.

"You seem awfully obsessed with me for someone who came here looking for Chance," Mykie snapped.

"You're proving to be more than just the one-dimensional girl Jered described. Can you blame me?" He grinned.

"Yes, you're a Vulture," she said, as if that explained everything. Which it did. Vultures were sick individuals with no moral compass. They did whatever they wanted, and they had no rules. They were loyal to no one, and they didn't give a rat's ass who they hurt.

Including hurting her birth father.

"You're a snake. What's your point?" He chuckled.

"That you're going to be eating my bullets," she growled. She pulled the trigger, but nothing happened.


The man had the nerve to laugh at her. She thought of tackling him and fighting him physically, but someone had slipped past both Dexter and Jezebeth. Now with a gun trained on her instead of having her own, she had to dodge the bullets coming her way. She rolled out of the way, but she didn't see the other gun pointing at her from the opposite direction. Just as she dodged the first bullet, another clipped her shoulder.

She let out a hiss and threw her empty gun as she reached her hand up to her shoulder. She pulled it away and saw the blood. She looked around until she spotted the one who hit her. He was standing a table away from the one she and Renly were hiding behind before. Not only was she not enraged, but her protectiveness kicked in.

If she was known for anything, it was avenging herself for a wrong done to her.

She saw red as she stood up, ignoring the people aiming their guns at her. She ran at the one who successfully hit her, who stupidly lowered his gun after he hit his target. He was too slow to bring his gun up and simultaneously kicked him in the unmentionables while also grabbing his gun. He stumbled back and she flipped the gun around to shoot him. She didn't entertain the idea of taking prisoners anymore. If they were going to shoot a girl while she was down, she'd shoot them where it hurt.