Page 75 of Self Control

“Thank you, Renly, for respecting my choices and agreeing to this. I will try to make sure everyone feels equal in this situation and communication will be important to keep this relationship working.”

She bit her tongue. She didn’t want to think about her lack of honesty at the beginning of the relationship already.

“I’m really sorry, but I should head out to better form a deal between Lauder and the Harpers’, though. I hope you understand.” She nudging him out of the booth. She waited for him to stand before she started to shimmy out of the leather seat.

"Nobody move!" Someone yelled from the doorway. “Get down!”

Someone must not have cooperated or, stupidly, tried to fight back against the attackers, because the sound of gunshots rang out. Everyone in the restaurant began to panic, screaming at the top of their lungs as more gunshots went off and people flipped tables to protect themselves. Some were trying to run away while others crawled on the floor to safety.

She looked up at Renly, who was standing up still and frozen in shock. She immediately sprang into action and grabbed his arm, pulling him down to the ground as she slipped out of her seat.

"What are we going to do?" he asked, as Mykie continued to push him towards a turned over table.

"We need to stay low and calm," she explained. She peeked over the table now that they were at a different angle. From there, she could see three guys around the doorway. She couldn't tell if there were more in the room that had spread out, though.

"You said to stay low," he hissed, pulling her down again. He surprised her, and she had to resist letting a sound out past her lips. She glared at him, and he let go of her quickly. What was he thinking, distracting her like that?

"I toldyouto stay low.I’mgoing to figure out what these idiots think they're doing," she muttered.

"We know you're here, Chance! I never took you for one to hide," one of the gunman sneered.

Mykie's hand froze just as it touched the gun that was tucked in her waistband. They were looking for Chance?

"Why are they looking for him?" Renly asked, repeating her thoughts out loud.

"I don't know, but I'm about to find out," she growled. "Give me your phone first."

He handed it over and she quickly typed in Dexter's number before pressing the call button. He picked up the phone after a few rings and before he could talk, she spoke lowly, "Emergency. I need backup."

She set the phone down on the floor and looked at Renly. "No matter what, make sure that phone stays on the line until he gets here."

With that said, she pulled out her gun and started on the move. She heard Renly swear and she felt the air brush her arm as he tried to grab her, but she moved faster than he could.

“This is what you get for sending someone to kill Porter. We know what you’re planning, and it’s not going to happen!”

This had to do with Porter? She wanted to let the fear wash over her, but she couldn’t get distracted. They were her target, really, but they didn’t know it. Or, rather, they didn’t care who killed him if they could get their hands on who gave the order.

Was this attached to the Harpers’ too?

She maneuvered herself around another table and got closer to one of the guys she noticed standing away from one of the groups. She waited for his head to turn before she stood up behind him. Luck was on her side, and he was her height, so she was able to easily exert her power by wrapping her arm around his neck while pressing the gun to his head.

"One wrong move, and I shoot your brains out. Tell me, who are you with?"

"G-Go ahead and do it," he choked out. "You won't."

"I don't think you quite understand your predicament. You can tell me who you're withnowor I will find a way for someone else to tell me after you’re dead. I won’t let anyone leave here until I get my answers. The blood will be on your hands if you don't tell me, though."

She felt him stiffen in her arms once he seemed to suspect who was holding him. Good. He was smart enough to have some self-preservation. "Give me the gun, and you'll be able to walk away."

The gun clattered the floor, drawing the attention of his buddies near the door.

“Fuck,” she swore.

"Hey! What are you doing!" One of them yelled out, pointing his gun at her. He looked eerily familiar to her, but she couldn't figure out why. The guy next to him looked familiar, too. She tried to look closer at their faces, but nothing about their features really stuck out to her.

"Put the gun down, girlie. You're just making a scene," a man's voice said. She couldn't tell what direction it was coming from, which made her paranoid.

She didn't expect her captive to bring his arm back and elbow her in the stomach, knocking the wind out of her. Mykie recovered quickly, grabbing the man's arm and using her foot to pull his legs out from under him. She smashed his face to the ground and aimed her gun at the back of his head.