Page 72 of Self Control

She glanced at the clock on the dashboard, hesitant. "It's almost dinner."

"Then an early dinner," he corrected. "Please? It’s the least I can do for making your job a little more complicated."

Oh, how true that really was.

Mykie contemplated it before she nodded. "Get in. I know the perfect place to go."

Les Beautés

"I think I've been here before," Renly said as he got out of her car. Mykie thought of taking him somewhere else, but she knew this was the best place that would fit his tastes. It was one of the fanciest restaurants in town, Les Beautés, and a part of her wanted to show him that she could live up to his status in life. That she wasn't some ruffian or just some barmaid.

By the time they arrived, it was starting to get dark out. Looking around the restaurant doors as they approached the entrance, she was struck with the feeling that something didn’t feel right. She felt like someone was watching her, and it wasn’t a normal feeling that she was used to. Sure, she had men stare at her when she went out sometimes, but something about walking with Renly felt off.

She dug in her bag and pulled out her wallet and gun. She slipped the gun into the back of her waistband when Renly wasn't looking and her wallet into her jacket pocket. Something about the night was making her grow paranoid, but she didn't want to keep her bag on her while she ate.

"Good. You'll know what you want to order, then," Mykie stated as she pulled the front door open.

"I'm the one taking you out to dinner." Renly frowned. "Shouldn't I be the one holding doors open for you?"

"I don't believe in that sort of stuff. I just believe in being polite," Mykie stated, waving him through the door. “Besides, this is hardly a date. Asking me after a meeting with your parents isn’t the way to my heart, just in case you thought it was.”

Renly shook his head but complied. Mykie followed behind him, shutting the door gently so it didn't slam behind her. She slipped her jacket off her shoulders and folded it in her arms.

"You do realize that this restaurant requires a reservation almost a year in advanced, right?" Renly said, as he looked around. They were currently the second group in line to sign in and get a table.

"Yes, I'm not stupid," she hissed. "I've been here recently."

"I didn't mean—"

"How can I help you?" A bored girl asked at the desk. Mykie turned to look at her and noticed the way the woman looked her up and down. She realized that she wasn't dressed to the nines, but that didn't mean she was dressed inappropriately for the establishment. "You need a reservation to be admitted."

"I have a reservation under Lauder," Mykie snapped, resisting the urge to just turn around and leave. She'd had enough people questioning her actions for one day.

The bored girl looked down at the book in front of her, searching down the list with a perfectly manicured nail. Her eyebrow lifted as she looked back up at Mykie. "I'm sorry, that name isn't here for today. You can set up a reservation for a different day, if you'd like. I can see if I can pencil you in around April next year. Hopefully, you'll come in something better... suited for the establishment, as well."

"You must be new here," Mykie said, placing a fake smile on her face as she leaned on the podium. "If you weren't, you'd know how to talk to people—"

"Mykie, maybe we should just go," Renly said, interrupting her from saying the rest of her sentence. He tugged on her wrist and tried to pull her back.

Did he not believe her? She probably looked like a fool already, using her boss’ name to get them a table.

"No, Renly. Wewillbe eating here. The only thing that's still up in the air is whether this girl will still be working here." Mykie glowered as she stared the woman down.

"Is there a problem here?" A man in his fifties came up beside the girl behind the podium. He looked between the group before his eyes settled on Mykie, who she assumed looked the angriest between the two of them.

"Yes, it seems like Miss..." Mykie trailed off as she looked at the girl's nametag, "Kindler needs some more training. She seems to have missed my name in her book. I was debating whether I should talk to the manager."

"I'm sorry, M'am. I don't think that will be necessary. What's your name?" he said, gently pushing the girl aside and checking the list himself.

"I'm under Lauder," she said confidently.

His finger paused in his scanning immediately and he looked up.

"Lauder?" he repeated. "O-Of course. You're always welcome here, Miss. A part of your party is already here, actually. I'll apologize to you both for keeping you waiting."

"Finally," Mykie murmured under her breath. It took her until she was halfway across the restaurant before she realized what the man said. "Oh man."

She wanted to grab Renly's hand and turn around, but Chance already caught her eye over the menu and waved to her.