Page 62 of Self Control

Well, she thought, she couldn't make that assessment yet. She had only fallen asleep with Blaine and Renly so far. She didn't know how well she might sleep with the rest of the boys.

She smiled, thinking about the future where she might get the chance to find out, if things went the way she wanted them to.

Without realizing it, she fell asleep thinking of the boys.

She woke up hours later to her phone smacking the floor between the couch and coffee table. Sitting up quickly, she scanned the room on high alert until she realized what scared her. She picked up the vibrating phone off the floor just as the caller hung up. Her notification screen notified her of the missed call from Dexter along with the multiple texts and calls from Corbus and Caspar.

She let out a sigh, ignoring the latter’s phone calls for now in favor of seeing what Dexter needed. He only called once, so she didn't think it was an emergency, but she prioritized his phone call over the others.

"So, you're alive?" Dexter said immediately after picking up the phone.

"Were you expecting me not to be?" Mykie surmised, tucking her feet under her as she sat up more.

"Apparently you need to explain what 'emergency' actually means. Caspar called me, worried if you got home alright. One of the other ones said something to him about you looking scared, and he wouldn't leave me alone until I said I'd call you."

She grabbed the blanket folded on the back of the couch and stretched it out across her lap as she got more comfortable. "Well, you've done your civic duty today by making sure I'm still breathing, so I'll let you get back to whatever you were doing before."

They exchanged quick goodbyes before she hung up and sighed. While a part of her felt good that Corbus was able to read her so well, she also felt annoyed with him and Caspar. Caspar, especially, knew she could handle herself. She didn't need someone checking up on her to make sure she was okay.

As much as she wanted to talk to Corbus and Caspar, she was also socially exhausted. Now that she thought she settled on a game plan for them, she wanted to relax on her own and worry about nothing else. Soon enough, she'd be dealing with three guys expecting her to call them back, and while it felt good for someone to be concerned about her, she took pride in her independence. She liked the feeling of answering to no one but herself a lot, but she knew she'd have to be understanding in the future, if she was going to let other people into her life.

She sent off quick texts to the two boys letting them know she was alright and not to worry before she switched her screen off. She leaned her head back against the couch and stared up at the ceiling, ignoring the vibrating noise her phone made that indicated that the boys answered.

"Decide to wake up, sleepyhead?" Jezebeth said, leaning over her face so they were eye to eye.

"I could say the same to you. When I got home, you were passed out in bed," Mykie murmured, her lips upturned into a small smile.

"It's to be expected after such an interesting night," Jezebeth smirked as she backed up. She sat on the couch and fell backward, bouncing off the cushions as she stared up at Mykie with her crazy grin. "Probably not as interesting as yours was, right?"

Mykie rolled her eyes. "You got more out of your night than I did, trust me. I talked to Corbus as I drove him home, and he almost ran me off the road. Then I slapped Renly when he came home before I went to bed."

"Ran you off the road? Jeez, Myk, what's with it you and attracting the crazy guys? I was partly joking about the sex with a psychopath on Friday, but if you've got something to tell me—"

"Damn it, Jez." Mykie hit Jezebeth's side with the back of her hand. "I'm trying to be serious here."

"Fine, fine," Jezebeth murmured. "Tell me all about it. Crazy-Boy almost drove you off the road and somehow that led you to slap Loverboy? Am I missing something?"

"He told the other boys to stay away from me," Mykie muttered, crossing her arms.

Jezebeth scoffed. "Who does he think he is? You never committed to anything, so he has no right to say that. Hell, he has no right even if youdidcommit. You're MykiefuckingVesper. You'll talk to whoever you fuck you want!"

"You're right!" Mykie said, high-fiving her friend. "I told him pretty much the same thing, in other words."

"Show them how to treat you from the beginning, and they'll be lesslikely to repeat situations. I learned that the hard way."

"I'm slowly learning it. Like I said to one of them, I don't do a lot for myself, so who are they to tell me what to do? I'm going to make my own decisions when it comes to dating them."

"Dating them?" Jezebeth repeated. "So, you're going for all of them?"

Mykie bit her lip. "You don't think I'm being selfish?"

"Of course not. You're taking a page out of my book and doing whatever the fuck you want. As long as you're all consenting adults that know what you're getting yourself into, who cares? You're not hurting anybody by dating multiple people. Actually, you might be doing each other a favor and avoiding some heartbreak." Jezebeth grinned, setting her hand on Mykie's thigh and squeezing it comfortingly. "You make everyone else happy, so you deserve a little happiness, too. If these boys are what you want, no one can deny you it."

"Thanks, Jez. I needed that," Mykie whispered.

"Anytime, Chickadee." Jezebeth nodded. "Besides, having four boys chasing after you has got to be an ego-boost for any woman."

"Three," Mykie corrected.