Page 55 of Self Control

Delayed Discussions

She wasn't sure who was more surprised in the morning: her, for waking up with her head on a hard chest and an arm thrown over her waist, or Blaine, who was sputtering and trying to get her hair out of his mouth.

"I told you so," Mykie said in a sing-song voice. She pulled her head off his chest and grinned at him. "Did you sleep well?"

Blaine groaned. "You're a morning person, aren't you?"

"No, I'm just in a good mood whenever I wake up," she explained, tilting her head. "You didn't answer my question."

"What do you think?" he snapped as he pulled another piece of hair away from his face.

"I think you should stop being so grumpy," she said with a sunshine smile, tapping his cheek with her free hand. "But, in case you're wondering, I slept great. Better than I have in a while, I think."

"Good for you," he said and rolled his eyes. "Now can you get off me? It's already eleven and I need to be at work."

"What?" she snapped, immediately rolling off him and sliding off the bed. "I had plans for today. Things I needed to get donebeforenoon."

She was lying. Nothinghadto be done before noon, but she preferred it to be. She especially wanted to use these next two days as vacation before she had to put her flesh and blood into turning Harper and Co. into something the Cantil could benefit from.

She gripped her hair by the roots as she looked at Blaine. "I need to get dressed and go."

He yawned and scratched his head. "So do I."

She let her hair go and went over to her overnight bag. She dug out the pair of jeans and the long-sleeved baseball shirt she brought and balled them in her fist. She turned around to look at Blaine, who had crossed the room behind her and was sorting through his closet.

She waited until he had his items of clothing in his hand before she said something.

"So, are you going to step out, or…?"

Blaine scoffed. "It'smyroom."

"It'syourhouse. You expect me to go all the way downstairs to change?" She asked. She held up a hand before he could answer. "Better option. You can change first then leave."

"Sure," he said with a smirk as he touched the waistband of his boxers. Mykie covered her eyes and immediately turned on her heels.

"A warning would have been great," she muttered.

"It's nothing you haven't seen before," he stated. Mykie could practicallyhearthe smirk in his voice.

"Just get dressed and let's go," she barked, feeling her face heating up. Sure, she'd had sex before, but she'd at least like to get to know the person first and shake their hand before she sawthatmuch of them.

"You can turn around now," he said after a minute or so. When she did, she saw that he was covered from the waist down, so she was safe to look. He was in the process of putting his shirt on, so she was able to notice that those jeans were just as black as on Friday. A quick peek into his closet showed that only a few pieces of clothing weren'tentirelyblack.

Once he had his shirt over his head and lying flat on his body, he collected his dirty clothes off the floor and put them in the laundry basket near the door.

Mykie started to pull her shirt up, but froze when Blaine turned back around. His nostrils flared when they made eye contact. It seemed like he couldn't prevent the intake of breath when he looked down at where her shirt was still lifted. It was then that he seemed to notice her tattoos and she saw his eyes flash with recognition.

"You're free to change." It was like breaking glass when he spoke. Immediately the world unfroze, and she was able to drop her shirt, hiding whatever he was interested in. They stared at each other in silence for a few moments more, unable to speak to each other or ask whatever they wanted to desperately know. It was almost like a contest. Whoever won would had worn the other one down enough to get them to spill their secrets.

He twisted the doorknob and opened the door behind him, finally breaking the staring contest. However, she didn't feel like shewonanything. It seemed like she lost the battle in the overall war that started last night in that room.

He seemed to believe it, too. When he was closing the door behind himself, he threw a remark over his shoulder.

"Don't think I'll let your connection to the Cantil go."

The door closed softly, but to Mykie's ears, it was like a bomb went off in her body as she collapsed onto the ground.

She'd been careful.Socareful.