Page 50 of Self Control

She went out into the living room and stopped dead when she realized that Corbus was bent over a trashcan, hurling up that night’s drinks.

So much for her brilliant plan…

Wanting More

She walked into the kitchen with gentle steps, hoping not to startle him. She grabbed the roll of paper towels on the counter, ripping off a few sheets. When she was close enough to touch him, she bent down until she was leaning on her knees and placed a hand on his shoulder.

"Not feeling good?" She asked even though the question was pointless. He wouldn’t be bent over a garbage can if he didn't. She held out the paper towels to him.

He sat back on his heels, turning his head away from her as he wiped his mouth. Once he was done, he threw it away in the garbage and turned back in her direction.

"You were in the bathroom, and it came on faster than I thought it would," he murmured, holding his stomach.

"Are you feeling any better now?" She rubbed his back slowly as she moved forward and sat next to him on her heels.

"I don't know," he said, shaking his head. Mykie reached a hand forward and wiped the tears off his cheeks. She brushed her fingers through his hair once she was done.

"Go relax on the couch for now. I'll see if I can find anything in the cupboards to calm your stomach. It's better to nibble on something than to have an empty stomach," she murmured.

He nodded and pushed himself off the floor. She was used to dealing with both Jezebeth and herself when they were drunk and sick. Handling one guy wouldn’t be a problem. Once Mykie saw he was moving, she dug through the cupboards first with no luck. She checked the pantry next and found an open box on one of the shelves with small, wrapped cracker packages inside. She grabbed one out and set it on the counter while she grabbed a glass out of the cupboard beside the fridge. She didn't think the boys would have anything to make tea, and she doubted they had a bottle of ginger ale, so she poured him a glass of water from a jug in the fridge.

She walked across the floor quickly once she had everything she needed, letting out a sigh of relief once her bare feet were back on the carpeted floor.

Corbus was bundled up with his blanket around his shoulders and his feet under him.

"It is pretty cool in here, isn't it?" she asked.

"I can start the fire, or I can turn the radiator up," he said. He only had the chance to poke one foot out of the blanket and put it on the carpet before Mykie stopped him.

"No. A blanket will be warm enough. You just need to focus on feeling better," she explained, holding out the supplies.

"You don't have to take care of me," he whispered, but accepted the glass and package of crackers. “I promise I can take care of myself.”

"No, I don'thaveto. But I want to. I have no problem making sure you're feeling okay." She sat down on the couch beside him. Corbus lifted the glass of water to his mouth, and he took a gulp of water. "Take small sips. Anything big could make your stomach upset again."

He looked at her and nodded, slowing his drinking down to small, tentative sips instead. He leaned forward and set the glass on the coffee table before sitting back again.

"Here," he said, holding one side of the blanket out towards her. "You're shivering."

He was right. She felt the chill in the room, and she couldn't hold back from shivering every now and then while she sat there. She grabbed the outstretched blanket and wrapped it around her back. It brought the two of them closer and their legs were pressed next to each other. While Mykie's was starting to warm up, she leaned forward and dug her laptop out. It was comfortable sitting on the couch with Corbus, but she could tell that he was getting tired.

"Why don't you lie down?" she asked, pulling the blanket closer around them. "You can take a nap until the others get home, I mean.”

"Are you sure? I don't want you to get bored..." he trailed off.

Mykie smiled and grabbed his arm under the blanket. "Nonsense. I have work to do, and you'd only be distracting me unless you sleep." She pulled on his arm and guided him to lay down on the couch with his head in her lap.

"But Renly—"

"Fuck Renly," she snapped. She took a deep breath and closed her eyes as she tried to calm herself down. She placed a hand on his head and brushed her fingers against his hair, smoothing it down. "I make my own decisions. Now lay down and relax your stomach. We'll talk until one of us falls asleep."

Corbus laid there for a moment in silence, nibbling on a cracker. He didn’t move his head or her hand away, so she continued to softly move her fingers through his hair. She remembered many times that her father had done this for her when she felt unwell, and Chance did his best to make sure she felt comfortable after being sick. That was usually after being sick with a stomach bug or flu, but Mykie felt the sentiments matched.

"You mentioned your parents before. Tell me about them," she said.

"They're like normal parents, I guess," he murmured with a weak shrug.

"Why don't I believe that?" she murmured, a small smile gracing her lips. "You seem to understand what it feels like to have pressure on your shoulders. Do they pressure you?"