Page 47 of Self Control

"It's fine, really," she insisted. "I can meet you there."

"I'm coming with you," Corbus stated, already pulling her down the street. "No exceptions."

She looked over her shoulder and gave the boys an awkward wave. None of the three seemed to be happy that he was dragging her in the opposite direction than they were.

"Where's your car?" He asked suddenly, pulling her to such an immediate stop that she almost tripped onto her face.

She pointed and Corbus resumed his tugging. Mykie looked between her bangs and her hair blowing in the wind at Corbus' face. He looked like a kid in a candy store that was told he could get whatever he wanted. In the brief moments she'd been alone with him, she had never seen him smile like that. She'd put up with a little drunk tugging if it meant she'd continue to see that look on his face.

Corbus climbed into her passenger side once they reached her car and Mykie sighed, already feeling exhausted. She didn’t sign up for this tonight, especially when she now had to prepare for a meeting in less than two days, now that it was Wednesday morning.

She climbed into the car and with a twist of her keys, the car ignition started—as did the noise inside the car. Within seconds of being on the road, Corbus got it into his head that they needed the radio on. This wasn't unusual for Mykie, having had regular car rides with Jezebeth blaring music.

"Isn't life great?" Corbus asked, sending Mykie a silly smile. "Much better when you stop focusing on the little things, right?"

“I don’t know what you mean,” Mykie said, focusing on the road.

"Sure, you do! You were talking on Friday how stressful life was. Don't you feel lighter after not working tonight?"

Mykie scoffed, but tried to hide the sound under a cough. "I can't say I do."

He grabbed her arm, pulling it down on the steering wheel.

If it wasn’t for her quicker reflexes, she would have drove them both off the road. Luckily, she righted the car quickly and no damage was done besides shaken nerves. Cars around her honked their horns, angry at the way she swerved and almost hit another in the opposite lane.

“What the fuck, Corbus!” Mykie screamed, glaring at the boy out of the corner of her eye. She yanked the volume knob backward, so it was silent in the car.

Corbus was cowering in his seat, his breath ragged as he stared back at her with wide eyes. The event seemingly sobered him up out of fear for his life.

“I didn’t mean…” he whispered, shaking his head slowly. “You were moping. I was just trying to get your attention.”

“There are other ways to get my attention than causing me to crash, I’ll have you know,” she muttered, her heart practically beating out of her chest. She couldn't tell if it was from the near-death experience or his words, however. Why was he attempting to get her attention?

"Besides, you've already got my attention; You're the only one in the car," she pointed out. She tapped her fingers on the steering wheel as she waited for him to muster up an answer.

"Your attention wasn't on me the entire night. It was on Ren or Dexter or...orCaspar," he spat.

"How would you know? You barely looked at anyone else but Caspar after I came back. Tell me, what did he do so wrong to earn you glaring at him?"

"He's a liar. Acheatand a liar. He must think I'm stupid not to see it." His laugh was bitter and bordering on cold as he turned his head, so he was facing the window.

"I'm...I'm not following what you’re saying," Mykie muttered, shaking her head. She had just turned on the street where her apartment was and waited until she parked before she looked at him again. He had turned from looking out his window to face her when he realized she had parked.

"When I get back in, I want you to explain what you mean about Caspar," she said over her shoulder as she climbed out of her car.

Corbus moved to unbuckle his seatbelt. "I'll come with yo—"

"No." Mykie smiled and held up a hand in protest. "I'll be back before you even start to miss me."

She didn't wait for his response as she grabbed her keys and slammed her car door closed. She raced up her front steps and slipped through the front door before heading up the two flights of stairs to her apartment door.

The door was still locked, so Jezebeth hadn't beat her home yet. She unlocked the door and went straight to her room to gather a pair of clothes for the night and the morning before and slipped them in a bag. She threw it over her shoulder and grabbed her laptop and its bag, mindful of the files inside and taking them out to set on her desk for safe keeping.

She rushed back down the stairs, almost doing a header down one flight as she tripped over her own feet. She luckily caught herself and stopped for a minute to breathe before she continued at a much slower pace.

Once she got back to her car, she tossed her stuff in the backseat before climbing back in behind the wheel.

"Now speak," she snapped, turning the car back on. The car was dead silent besides the sound of the car's engine for a few minutes. It wasn't until they were five minutes from the house that Corbus spoke up.