Page 34 of Self Control

Mykie took her knife out of her boot and set it on the table. “You all can sit down, and no one will get hurt.”

All five men slowly sat down again. Mykie only had eyes for Porter, however.

“It’s rude to blow smoke in a lady’s face, you know?” Mykie said as she picked up her knife and twirled it by the handle on the table. “I can forgive you if you just tell me where I can get back what you owe the Cantil, however.”

“He gave the money to me. Why does he need it back?” Porter asked.

Mykie tsked. “You took out a loan. He only gives out a loan with the expectation that you will pay him back ten-fold with whatever you borrowed.”

“He never told me that,” Porter growled.

“It’s in the contract. It always is,” Mykie said, already feeling bored. Couldn’t they switch up the script sometimes? It’s like she needed to explain everything to them.

“I don’t have the money,” Porter snapped. “Can’t he wait a little longer?”

“He sent a chick to collect?” One of Porter’s friends spat, speaking up for the first time in the interaction. “That’s pathetic.”

Mykie didn’t hesitate to pick up the knife and stab it through his hand. She also ignored his howl of pain. No one in a club like La Noir paid attention to incidences like this. It was the Black and White club, and no one blinked an eye at the shady things done in the dark. “It’s pathetic to cheat your way out of a deal.”

“If you can’t collect, I have to,” she said with finality.

She circled the table until she was behind Porter. His eyes widened as he watched her.

“N-No. You’re the Valkyrie, aren’t you,” he muttered. “I promise, I’ll pay him back. I just need more time!”

Dexter took his knife away from his throat and moved away. Before Porter could stand, she was there, yanking his head to the side. She looked up and realized that Caspar was in the direct line of sight of what was happening. She couldn’t regret her decision, and she couldn’t show him that she felt anything.

“Your time is up.”

She focused on the way Caspar cover his mouth as her knife made her mark. She couldn’t let herself care as she let go of the man and his head hit the table, or the way the white table cover was quickly turning red. She couldn’t focus on the reaction of the men surrounding the table had, or whether Dexter felt the need to deal with them. She didn’t know whether people around her were watching now, or what they thought.

“This is what it means to cheat the Cantil,” she said, not focusing on any particular person around her except Caspar. She wasn’t sure if the room was quiet because of the eye contact between Caspar and her was so intense, or if everyone had witnessed what she had done. She spoke loudly enough for the room to hear her, but she mostly wondered if Caspar heard her.

She took a step back, wiping her knife on her dress, before walking toward the boy in question.

“I-“ Caspar said once she was close enough to hear him.

“We need to leave.Now.” She grabbed him by the arm and pulled him out of his seat. He seemed to take her seriously and she was relieved. She didn’t want to draw any more attention to herself if she could help it and pulling a man on crutches would definitely do just that. The only way the Valkyrie’s identity stayed hidden so long was because she let other people handle the aftermath.

As soon as Porter said he owed money, she knew she was only there to set an example of the man. Chance didn’t care about the money. He had plenty of it, so why did he send her specifically? The only answer was that the target of the night was not Curt Porter but someone he needed to see that the Cantil meant business.

She was able to make it out of the VIP section and through most of the main area before Caspar caught up to her.

“Mykie,” he hissed. “Shouldn’t you put the knife away?”

She turned around and Caspar moved back. Her eyebrows furrowed until she looked down and realized he was right. She still had her knife out. She looked around to make sure no one was staring before she wiped the knife once more on the bottom of the dress and slid it back into her boot. She would take it out in the car, but she had to get there first.

“Sorry,” she said. She took a moment to process what happened in the last twenty minutes. Shit. This wasn’t supposed to happen infrontof him. Was he afraid of her now? She wanted him to be hesitant, second guessing whether he would be willing to be around her. Was this too much?

“Are you okay?” she asked softly, but it came out louder to reach his ears over the music of the club. She reached a hand out to him, but she noticed that she had blood on her hand as well. She dropped it just as quickly.

He seemed to take a deep breath. “I…I think so. What was that?”

She closed her eyes. Would this be the end of such a quick friendship? If he said he was going to walk away from her, after she told him things yesterday, would she have the heart to get rid of him?

When she opened her eyes, she realized that Caspar had moved closer to her. “That’s the sort of things I do. I come to collect things, and if they can’t pay us back, it’s my job to, to—”

“To kill them?” he supplied.