Page 31 of Self Control

She heard her phone ringing from down the hall, and they shared a look. What if it was one of the guys? What would she do if it was the girlfriend, calling her with one of their phones?

“You have to get it. What if it was Chance?”

God damn. What if it was Chance?

Mykie stood up then and rushed into her bedroom. She looked at the caller ID and was glad she grabbed it because it was Chance. What would he be calling about at this late? Oh god. Did he hear about the restaurant incident already?

“Hello?” she said hesitantly.

“Mykie,” Chance said. “I’m sure you received the information I had sent to you?”

Her father didn’t call for no reason, especially just to check in.

“Yes. Is there a problem?” She set the phone down and put him on speakerphone. “I’ve just started on my research, actually, if you’d like to hear about it?”

“You can send me whatever you have. I’m actually calling over another concern. There was a deal broken and I was hoping you could go to deal with it in my name.”

“What was the deal, if you don’t mind me asking?” She pulled her hair up into a ponytail. She guessed she wasn’t going to get a good night sleep tonight.

“It isn’t important. All you need to know is that this man thought it would be best to cheat me out of a shipping. It might be best that you bring Dexter with you. While I know you can handle yourself, I don’t know who he might be with.”

“Where can I find him?”

“His name is Curt Porter. I’ve heard from sources that he has a reservation at La Noir Club tomorrow night at eleven. I know it’s late notice, but I believe if you use an alias of mine, it shouldn’t be suspicious, and you will be let in. Remember that they have a black and white dress code.”

She walked over to her closet and flipped through the clothes she had. Damn it, nothing that would look good for La Noir. “Noted. I’ll get ahold of Dexter and find something appropriate to wear. Is that all?”

“Yes. And Mykie?” Chance sounded hesitant. It wasn’t like him.


“Make sure your gun is loaded and knives are handy.”

She let him go after that and brought her phone with her as she went back into Jezebeth’s room. “I need a dress. Chance needs me to deal with someone.”

“Ooh, anyone you or I know?” She was wrapped in a silky robe now as she was applying something to her face. Mykie suspected that she was naked or in her bra and underwear, but covered up just in case Mykie was to come back.

“Curt Porter? Doesn’t sound like anyone too important. Chance warned me to bring Dexter for protection, however, but didn’t make it out like he was dangerous. Just that he didn’t know the kind of numbers I might meet.”

“I think this is the perfect way for you to get your head focused on something else. Bring Caspar. At least you know he’s loyal to you.” With the face mask on her face, Mykie just knew that Jezebeth would be smiling, if she could.

“Caspar? He’s on crutches,” Mykie pointed out.

She pointed the brush she was now using on her hair at Mykie in the mirror. “But he’ll know to stay out of the way and see how serious you are at what you do. You’d lookhot.”

She started brushing her hair again. “Invite him and Dexter. You have your protection and can do your job while also showing Caspar you mean business. I’m sure you weren’t that scary with him if he’s still willing to talk to you.”

“Hey! I’m scary!” Mykie protested.

“No, sweetie, you canbescary, you’re not scary. Especially not when you’ve got boy-fever.”

“Boy-fever? Idon’thave boy-fever,” she said, rolling her eyes.

Jezebeth smirked. “You’re right. All these boys are just suddenly catching Mykie-fever.”

“That’s not a real thing. It can’t be,” she said then bit her lip. Did all these boys really have that, for her? Or is it just a fluke, and her interest is clouding her clarity?

“Not until now, it wasn’t. I mean,come on.I don’t want to toot my own horn but Renly—cheating or not cheating—only had eyes for you at the bar, even when I was with you. The same with Caspar. You’re pretty, Mykie, and any guy would be lucky to be with you.”