Page 27 of Self Control

She nodded. "I came in to tell you to meet me at Pearl's on Tuesday. Have everyone come, if you'd like. Whatever gets you to the place, the better."

Caspar opened his mouth before closing it again, looking away guiltily.

"You shouldn't be too hard on Corbus," she reprimanded when he still refused to speak. "He was concerned about you."

He sighed. "I know. I appreciate his concern."

She stood up. "Hand me the pillows on the other side of you."

Caspar turned over and grabbed the top two pillows from the right side of the bed. Mykie took them and set them up on top of the blanket. Once they were settled on the bed, Caspar lifted his foot onto the pillows before sitting up and leaning against the headboard.

"I didn’t know you lived here," she explained, looking around the room again. There was nothing personal in the room—no pictures of family or evidence left behind that showed he'd been staying in the room for longer than that day.

He shook his head and sighed. "I've been staying with Renly for a week or so just to get away from everything."

"Everything?" she repeated, tilting her head.

He was oddly silent for a moment, staring passed Mykie instead of in her direction.

"Yes, everything." His tone spoke of finality, but it was weakly done and nowhere near the harsh and clipped tone Dexter used with her to get her to quit talking. However, unlike with Dexter, she didn’t pry. If he wasn't ready, then he wasn’t. No sort of prying would make sharing any easier.

She stood up. "Well, since you're staying here for the time being, I'll pick you up here Tuesday if you don't have a ride. By then, you better be in the sharing mood."

He asked her about her number next.

"You already have it. Dexter put mine and his in your phone after what happened at the Corner. Use Dexter's sparingly and in emergencies, but I'll get back to you as soon as I can if I don't message you back right away," Mykie explained as she walked towards the bedroom door. She pulled it open slightly before closing it behind her, much like she did when she entered the door.

Corbus was focused on the books on the counter again and Mykie couldn't help but grow curious about what he was studying. She crept up beside him, and took a moment to peer over his shoulder as he scribbled furiously on a notebook. From what she could tell from the books, he was studying a variety of subjects. One of the books opened seemed to be about world history, while another closed book covered mythology of different cultures. The last one that he had open and seemingly was taking notes from surprised Mykie enough to vocalize it.

"Particle Physics?"

Corbus jumped. "Mykie." He pressed a hand to his chest as he turned on his stool. "You scared the fuck out of me."

"I was curious to see what you were so focused on when I came out," she said, grinning apologetically. Her intention wasn't to scare him, certainly. "But I wasn't expecting to find you studying something like that."

His grin didn't lessen, but something was off after she stopped speaking. It was almost like it was less genuine now that she pointed out his studies.

"Nobody expects it, I guess," he stated, his tone almost bitter to Mykie's ears.

She opened her mouth to ask him more about the book, or for him to elaborate on what he meant, but a voice above interrupted her.

"Mykie? Back already?" Renly grinned, leaning against the balcony railing.

"Leaving just as quickly, as well. Everyone's invited to Pearl's on Tuesday, all right? I mean everybody, too, even if you have to wheel Caspar in." She looked at Corbus meaningfully with her last sentence.

Corbus gave an affirmative nod.

"We'll see you there, then," Renly said, also nodding.

"I really hope so, because you're falling behind, Renly," she said with a chuckle. She tried her best to imitate Jezebeth whenever she was in a teasing mood. "First to meet me, but last to get my number? Tsk, tsk."

Renly sputtered, seemingly unable to speak as his mouth fell open in shock before Mykie turned on her heels. She got out of their quickly and waved to Dexter as he got in his car, Noah already in the passenger seat.

When Mykie got home, Jezebeth was lying across the couch. Her leg was bent up and leaning against the back of the couch as she lounged about and flipped through channels on the television.

"Dropped your silver boy off at home?" she asked, setting the remote on the coffee table. The two of them lived in a small apartment that only had two bedrooms, a kitchen, and a small bathroom that barely fit a tub.

Mykie nodded, closing the door behind her and locking it. "We're all meeting at Pearl's on Tuesday."