Page 23 of Self Control

Once she got him into the hospital, they both let out a sigh of relief when they saw that the waiting area wasn't busy. She helped get him to a couch before she approached the window, where a young woman in her thirties was sitting on the other side. She only had to wait a moment before she was noticed, and the glass was pulled back.

"Hello. How can I help you?" the woman asked in a peppy voice.

"My friend twisted his foot and needs medical attention."

The woman nodded and grabbed a clipboard along with a few papers before handing them through the open window. "Here you go. Have him fill those out and get them back to me, and we'll see what we can do for your friend."

Mykie smiled and took the clipboard. She went back over to where Caspar was sitting and handed them over to him. There was already a pen that was tied to the top of the clipboard.

"Just fill that in quickly and we can get you in," Mykie explained, sitting down beside him. She checked her phone, noticing a text from Dexter.

Dex:Filled his car up with gas and heading to his house now to drop it off with Noah.

Mykie sent him a quick reply, letting him know that they were at the hospital and were filling out the paperwork. It was only a few minutes later that Caspar finished and Mykie brought it back up to the desk. The woman was on the office phone with someone but took the clipboard with a smile.

Ten minutes later, they were called back to be processed and make sure his paperwork was filled out correctly before he was herded into a room and onto a hospital bed to await a doctor.

Mykie sat in the chair on one side of the bed and stretched her legs out. "How bad is your foot hurting, on a one to ten scale?"

He shrugged. "It doesn't hurt as much when I'm sitting down."

Mykie stood up and sat beside his outstretched leg on the bed. "Well, does this hurt?" She gently touched his ankle, waiting for him to flinch, but he didn't.

"What about this?" She turned it to the left and he let out a small yelp, pulling his foot out of her grasp.

"That hurt! That's an eight!" he hissed, glaring at her.

"Sorry," she said softly, rubbing his other leg in a comforting manner. "I wasn't trying to put you in that much pain."

"Did I hear your voice, Mykie? How is it that you find me no matter which hospital I work at?" a familiar voice stated as he pushed aside the curtain to the room.

Alexander was Mykie's primary doctor and a retired Cantil. A Cantil wasalwaysa Cantil, it was a one of the rules. But, there were those like Alexander were no longer required to physically prove they were Cantil, as they were no longer as young as they used to be. In return for his inability to fight, he offered his services to any Cantil that was injured during an assignment or simply came down with a cough. She was used to seeing the older man in T-shirt and slacks since most of her visits to his office were home visits for quick check-ups or small issues. Gray hair was growing thin on the top of his head that made him look older than he was.

"It's not me this time," Mykie said with a grin. "My friend here twisted his ankle and needed someone to look at it."

"Did your father tell you I transferred here?" he asked skeptically. Alexander checked Caspar's bracelet and confirmed it with his clipboard and got started on his examination.

"No. I didn't hear anything about it. Was that your choice or his?" Mykie said.

Caspar hissed as Alexander rubbed a spot on his ankle. She looked on at him with sympathy. For a doctor, she knew Alexander had a rough manner to him.

"My choice. This hospital offered more benefits."

"I'm glad this one's working out more for you," Mykie answered politely. She was losing track of the conversation the more Caspar flinched and hissed in pain. Mykie had moved off the bed when Alexander had come in and back to the chair beside the bed. She laid her hand on top of Caspar's, pulling his fingers away from stabbing his nails into his palm. Instead, she wrapped her hand around his, allowing him to grip her hand whenever a shot of pain occurred.

"From what I'm seeing, you're correct about the twisted ankle, Mykie. I want to get an X-ray for him just in case, though."

Mykie nodded and patted Caspar's arm with her free hand. "I'll be here while you go with Alexander."

He looked at her with panicked eyes and she attempted to calm him down. Neither of them noticed that Alexander had left and already came back with a wheelchair to transport the boy.

While she waited for him, she collected some bandages out of one of the drawers, stuffing them into her bag for future use.

It didn't take long for Caspar to come back, but itfeltlike an hour had passed before she saw the silver-haired boy again. She stood up immediately, getting to the heart of the matter. "Did you see anything, Doc?"

He shook his head. "Turns out it's just a twist. I've already told your friend here that he needs to stay off his feet for the next few days. I'll send you both off with some elastic bandages for compression on his ankle and some crutches. I expect you elevate your foot as much as possible and ice it when you can. If things are not better after a while, come back to me and I'll fix you up with something more stable, all right?"

"Sounds amazing, Doc." Mykie nodded.