Page 18 of Self Control

"I want to try something new. Have any suggestions?"

He shook his head. "You've probably been here more than I have."

Mykie looked around. There were more and more tables filling up as it became the lunch hour rush and she felt bad for wasting time by not knowing what to order. "I don't want to waste time. How about you write down something you think I'll like, and I'll just eat it? I'm not picky."

His eyes widened. "Are you sure?"

Mykie nodded, closing her menu now that she'd come up with a decision. "Positive. You seem like you have good enough taste. I'm sure I'll enjoy whatever you bring out, and I trust the kitchen to make something amazing, no matter what it is."

He lifted his eyebrows and due to Mykie's subtle obsession with the silverette, she noticed the light blush on his cheeks as he wrote down her order. Once he was done, he tucked the book into his apron and held his hand out to Jezebeth's side of the table first to collect the menus before grabbing Dexter's and finally Mykie's. His eyes lingered on her a little longer than necessary as he took the menu back, but it wasn't like the way Renly watched her, like she was going to disappear any moment. This boy, Caspar, had no reason to worry about that, but it didn't make the tingling in Mykie's body feel any less intense as his hand overlapped hers when he took the menu.

They were watching each other for a moment before a child started crying at a table behind Mykie, breaking the moment.

"Um." He cleared his throat. He looked at the other three amused people at the table. "Sorry, I forgot to ask you about drinks.”

They went around in a circle again, Jezebeth ordering orange juice while the two boys ordered coffees. Mykie ordered a soda to go along with whatever he brought out.

“I'll have all of that out to you guys as soon as I can." He gave Mykie one last glance before he turned on his heels and quickly went towards the kitchen, walking past a table that obviously was waiting for their order to be taken.

"What was that about?" Jezebeth asked, leaning forward.

"I don't know what you're talking about," Mykie said, her voice clipped. She no longer had the menu to hide behind, so she grabbed her phone out of the bag at her feet, fiddling with it as if she had something important to do.

"You knowexactlywhat I'm talking about, Myk. First Loverboy and you last night, now you're flirting with the waiter?" Jezebeth tsked. "That's not like you."

"It's not like I'm doing it on purpose!" Mykie hissed. "Besides,you'rethe one who somehow convinced me to go with Renly last night."

“Ooh he has a name,” she teased.

Mykie pointedly ignored her.

"I was trying to get you laid. I didn't think you'd do it without a push, but I guess I was wrong about that," Jezebeth explained, gesturing to where Caspar ran off. "But tell me about Loverboy. Was he a nice fuck? He didn't seem like the selfish type, but you never know with men."

"Jezebeth!" Mykie hissed. She looked around at the tables in their immediate vicinity, embarrassed when she noticed a mother glaring at her and placing her hands over her child's ears. "This isn't the place to talk about it."

Jezebeth narrowed her eyes and looked over her shoulder at the table with the mother and child. "Eh, lady! He's twelve! I'm sure he's heard and seen worse things on his phone than he'll hear out of my mouth."

The mother gasped in horror, turning her child and herself around to face their own table again. Mykie chuckled under her breath. No matter how embarrassed she became whenever she went somewhere with her, she appreciated her roommate and her only girl friend. Jezebeth was the crudest and most blunt person Mykie had ever met in her life, but she was damn well fun to be around.

"Well?" Jezebeth asked, looking at Mykie again. "Answer the questions. I'm sure everyone here wants to know now."

Noah finally spoke up. "I don't."

Jezebeth sent him one of her crazy grins. "No one asked you, Sweetcheeks."

"We didn't have sex, alright?" Mykie blurted, hoping to defuse any tension that was building between the two. "He took me home, I puked on him, and he put me to bed. That's it."

Jezebeth leaned her head back and cackled. "Oh, god. Please tell me this is just a story, and that didnothappen."

Mykie shook her head. "I wish I could."

“Like, puked onhim, or on his d-“


"Mykie, you have the worst luck with men, I swear," Jezebeth said, shaking her head with a fond and humorous smile.

"Yeah, yeah," Mykie said, waving her off. "It wasn't too bad once I woke up. Renly and his friends got my car to his house, so I got out of there once I was told what I may or may not have done between the time I left Pearl's and the time I woke up." Mykie left out the part about waking up next to Renly, or breakfast with the boys. She knew the girl would never leave her alone if she found out how close she and Renly were to kissing and doing exactly what she thought they were going to do.