Page 12 of Self Control

"My parents met at Duke University. They thought it was fitting to name their son after it, especially one they thought was going to follow in their footsteps," he said quietly. “I’ve been going by my middle name, ‘Corbus’, ever since I moved in with Renly. I don’t even know why I said ‘Duke’ just now.”

"Why didn't you follow in their footsteps?" Mykie asked, turning her head to look at him. He was simply staring at her.

“It just never felt right, going along with their future plans instead of my own.”

“We never can quite fit into molds that we didn’t have a hand in creating,” she murmured with a slow nod. ”’Corbus’ is more fitting for you, anyway.”

They stood looking at each other for a moment, studying each other before a greasy pop of the bacon made her look away. She grabbed the spatula and held it out.

"Corbus, then,” she said, clearing her throat. “Since I don’t know where you keep the plates, why don’t you dish up the bacon?"

He pushed up his glasses and nodded, taking the spatula. Before she knew it, he had the bacon dished up and he went over to set it on the table.

“I hope you weren’t planning on eating alone,” he said, smiling for the first time that morning.

She came over and sat down in the chair at the end of the table. "Help yourself. It came from your fridge, anyway.”

They ate in silence for a few seconds before she decided to get back to her goal—getting the hell home.

“Do you know what else happened last night? Like, where my clothes and shoes are? What about my keys?" she questioned. If anyone knew besideRenly, it would be him, right?

"Your shoes are over there." He pointed towards the area next to the stairs and she noticed her heels lying on their sides as if they were dropped...oh. Now she remembered. "The dress, I don't know about. I almost tripped over the shoes."

"What about my keys?" she questioned. "I had my keys and my phone in a bag, and my phone was upstairs."

"I don't know. I just woke up," he confessed. "Why didn't you ask Ren?"

"Renly's asleep," she answered.

"So, you grabbed one of his shirts instead of asking?"

She sputtered, almost choking on the piece in her mouth.

"What?" Corbus rolled his eyes. "You’re obviously wearing his shirt. No one else in their right mind buys white shirts."

"I'm, ah, going to go wake Renly," Mykie explained, heading towards the stairs. She heard Corbus apologizing behind her, but she took the stairs quickly, embarrassed that Corbus pointed out that she took Renly’s shirt.

She thought about the trio arguing outside the club last night, wondering where the other man was. It was clear that they were friends, not just roommates. It reminded her of the playfulness Jezebeth and she had together, or Noah and Dexter. They argued, but it wasn't spiteful or mean.

It made his observation feel even more embarrassing, especially knowing that she met him properly this time without wearing pants. The only way she was going to escape this situation is finding her keys, having her phone charged, or running out of the house.

She pushed the door to Renly's room open quietly, hoping not to startle him if he was awake. When she realized he was still asleep, she was slightly less careful as she came into the room. He was facing the side of the bed that she was on before, his arm laying out straight on the empty bed. Mykie climbed on that side of the bed and placed a hand on Renly's shoulder, shaking him slightly.

"Renly...Wake up," she said softly.

He groaned, pushing her hand away.

"Come on," Mykie said, placing her hand on his shoulder again and shook him a little harder. "I need to know where my keys are."

She was surprised that instead of pushing her away again, he grabbed her by her waist and pulled her down, rolling until he was lying on his back. She landed on his chest awkwardly, hers pressed against his and her legs on either side of his pelvis. She pushed herself up, looking into soft green eyes only partly opened.

"Renly, let me go," she commanded, tapping one of the hands still on her waist.

He lightly chuckled. "Oh, so youdoremember my name."

Mykie rolled her eyes. She wasn'tthatdrunk last night.

"Of course I do. I wasn't that bad off." Mykie crossed her arms. "Do you remember mine?"