Page 10 of Self Control

She felt herself falling asleep again. However, her eyes shot open once an arm was thrown over her side and a body was pressed up against her—ahardbody. She looked around, quickly realizing that the bed she was in wasn't at Dexter's or her apartment. The walls were dark blue, and from what she could tell, the bed was in the center of the room. On her side of the bed, there was a dresser and a bookshelf that was only half-filled with books and the other half with trophies of some sort. Beside that was wooden folded doors that likely led to a closet.

Mykie gently lifted the arm off her side before attempting to sit up. Her bed partner didn't react beyond turning over to the opposite wall.

She held her head, groaning again as it pounded from one of the worst headaches she'd ever had. But, once she accomplished her task, she realized why the sheets felt so nice. At the moment, her black dress was nowhere to be found. Instead, she was dressed in her mismatched bra and panties.

She shivered as she tried to get her facts straight. She couldn't remember much from last night, and now she woke up partly undressed in a strange place.


She was never going to drink like that again.

The man on the other side of her shifted in bed, turning towards her again. She held her breath until he was settled facing her side before she let it out slowly. It was the boy she drank with last night. Renly, Mykie thought his name was.

Small flashes of memory came back to her. Walking down the sidewalk, a hand on the middle of her back as he steered her away from where her car was parked. Throwing her high heels down a flight of stairs after too much walking. Feeling sick suddenly...then nothing.

Glancing around, she attempted to locate her clothes or shoes. Did she take it off... or did someone else?

She looked at Renly again. Last night, from what she could remember, he wasn't a bad guy. He was kind enough to help her with that customer, but was that enough for her to climb into bed with him? Mykie didn't believe there was anything wrong with having a one-night stand, but usually, she'd like to remember her activities in the morning. She normally didn't have them, either, especially with a customer. Was it the drinks talking, or was she missing something?

She slipped out of bed as gently as she could without waking Renly before she went over to his closet. Maybe he hung it up for in the morning? He didn't seem like the type to leave clothes on the floor, no matter the circumstance. However, with a quick check to his closet and scanning his room, she didn't find either part of her outfit. She did notice her phone lying on the bedside table, though.

She tested it out and swore under her breath when she realized that it was still dead. Looking around the room, she found a phone cord lying on Renly's side of the room, his own phone plugged into it. She took his phone off the charger before plugging her own in. She knew that her phone was broken, and it would take quite a while for her phone to not only turn back on, but to be powered enough for her to make a phone call, so she started planning. She tried his phone and cursed when she realized that it had a passcode.

She was stuck with no phone and no way to get home without her car since she assumed Renly drove her home in his own instead. What was she supposed to do in the meantime?

She thought about it, but her stomach made the decision for her as it growled. Would it be rude to dig through his pantry? He did take her home, after all. If he asked, she could always come up with a sappy excuse, like attempting to make breakfast for him.

Nodded to herself, she decided to eat before making other plans.

She dug through his closet, grabbing a button up shirt she could throw on to cover up before she started sifting through his pants. However, it seemed like the only things he owned for pants were black slacks and two pairs of jeans. Nothing remotely comfortable nor were they things that looked like he could go without if she slipped out the door while he was still sleeping.

She went over to his dresser and started to go through the drawers before she started thinking. Wearing his shirt was okay, but wearing his shorts would feel slightly more intimate for some reason, especially without permission. Shaking her head, she closed the doors up again, deciding to just go with the shirt. She buttoned it up and was glad that it was long on her, landing just below where her butt met her thighs.

She opened the door and stepped out into the hallway, which felt like she was stepping out into an entirely different world of social classes. She quickly established that she was on the second floor due to the small balcony area across from the door. She peered over the side, which overlooked an open floor with a lounge room and kitchen. All the seating in the lounge area—two sectional couches and a separate chair—matched and appeared to be black leather. It was all surrounding a TV mounted on the wall and a fireplace under that. Between where the kitchen met the lounge area, there was a door that didn’t look like it would lead to the pantry. There was also a dining table with eight seats—six on either side and one at each end of the rectangular table— between the two rooms.

The kitchen was a pristine silver that shone even from where Mykie was standing. Counters lined the kitchen area and there was an island counter in the middle that could be used as a breakfast bar.

It seemed like everything had its place, and anything remotely disorderly was frowned upon. The ceiling was high to compensate for the upstairs area, and the wall on the other side of the lounge area was lined with glass windows.

She looked at the door behind her and realized that it wasn’t the only room. There was another room beside it, but the door was open instead. She risked a peek inside and realized it was another bedroom, but it was messier than Renly’s—which wasn’t hard to do. The walls were a dark red that bordered on brown. Instead of the bed being in the middle of the room, it was pushed up against the wall. There was also a dresser and a closet much like Renly’s room, but the dresser was against the wall across from the bed and the closet on the same side as Renly’s. There wasn’t a bookshelf, but there was a lot of framed photos on the wall that were too far away for Mykie to see clearly without walking into the room.

It wasn’t a hard stretch to say Renly had roommates, but it led to Mykie questioning why. He looked like he had money, enough to sustain himself and live alone. He also was the son of a VIP member at Pearl’s. Was he lying? Did he need help financially, for some reason? The place he lived indidseem expensive…

She backed away from the door, afraid that whoever owned it might come back and see her snooping. Heading downstairs, her initial task still in mind, she went over to the kitchen. She couldn’t help but to think that the place looked amazing, from the perfectly painted cream walls to the wooden floor that gave the house a woodsy and comfy feeling.

Once she was standing in kitchen, she noticed the door beside the fridge that was most likely a pantry. However, she looked in the fridge first and spotted some bacon on one of the nicely stocked shelves. She felt slightly guilty when she grabbed it off the shelf, but her stomach growled again and made it wash away.

She set the package on the island counter as she looked around in the cabinets for a pan to cook it in. She winced every time something made a noise, attempting to move as quietly as possible for the sake of anyone still sleeping and for her own sake as the sound rung through her head.

After she got one out, she located the stove and started on her task, buttering up the pan before she placed any bacon down. The house was completely silent, and she couldn't help but feel that it was unnatural. Such a big house needed noise and laughter, not silence. However, it was only nine a.m. according to the stove clock, so maybe silence was fine.

As the bacon started to cook, she looked around downstairs more, noticing another door and a hallway that she couldn't see from the balcony. She was slightly curious about what was behind the doors, but refrained from getting herself in more trouble than making breakfast could cause her.

The bacon continued to sizzle, and she focused on that once again, but soon allowed her thoughts to wander. She needed to wake Renly and figure out where she was and have someone drive her to get her car. She also had to work today on that project Chance gave her and get together with Dexter for breakfast, possibly Noah as well. She knew that Dexter was most likely worried that he couldn't get ahold of her this morning, and she felt bad. If she was a little smarter and plugged her phone in at Pearl's, then she wouldn't have been in this situation.

She flipped some of the bacon strips, allowing them to sizzle as they cooked.

"What are you doing?"