Page 98 of Gareth

“Yep. We were planning to do a bunch of renovations before Mom got sick, but all those plans have kind of been put on hold for now. I’m sorry that it’s so rundown.”

“That’s understandable,” Aria said. “I’m glad that I ended up here.”

Even though it hadn’t been the most comfortable bed to sleep in, knowing about the family who owned the motel and the tragedy they shared, she was now glad that she’d stopped there.

Someone came into the office, drawing the woman’s attention away from her. Aria freshened her coffee, then picked up a couple of muffins and a cookie before she smiled at the woman, then headed for the door.

There was an icy wind blowing as Aria made her way back to her room. She felt it in her bones, and it reminded her of when Gareth had found her walking in the cold, underdressed for the weather in Serenity. He’d been so caring and compassionate right from the start. It was just one of many reasons she’d fallen for him.

Tears pricked at her eyes as she let herself into her room. And the brief reprieve she’d had from her heartbreak ended as she closed and locked the door. Setting the baked goods and her coffee on the nightstand, Aria crawled back under the covers, seeking the oblivion of sleep.


Gareth’s emotions had swung from hurt to anger over the course of the past two days. It hadn’t helped when, at the church service the previous day, the pastor had spoken about dealing with the unexpected turns life took and how to use them to bring glory to God.

It wasn’t that he wanted to hang onto the hurt and anger indefinitely, but it was still too soon to be looking for the silver lining. As far as his heart was concerned, there was no silver lining.

“Good morning, Gareth,” Nora said as she stepped into his office, a folder in her hand. “Do you have a moment?”

Nora was the last person he wanted to deal with in his current mindset, but they were at work, so he had to put aside his feelings and be professional. “Sure.”

She gave him a smile that seemed to border on smug and sent a frisson of unease through him. As she sank down on one of the visitor chairs across from his desk, she set the folder on the desk.

“I’m very sorry that Aria didn’t do the right thing.”

Gareth frowned, the unease inside him growing. “What are you talking about?”

“Information came to me that Aria was fired from her nursing job at the hospital where she worked.”

The statement took Gareth off-guard. “And I suppose information also came to you about why.”

Nora nodded. “She went to work intoxicated.”

“What?” That didn’t sound like the woman he’d come to know and love. “That makes no sense.”

“That’s what I heard, and it’s what was given as the reason for her firing.” Nora frowned. “If I had known about this, I wouldn’t have asked her to help me at the free clinic by giving vaccinations to a child.”

Gareth’s anger grew, eclipsing his unease and hurt. In that moment, he was mad at Aria along with Nora. Why was he hearing this from Nora? Why hadn’t Aria told them about this? Such information might have played a role in their hiring of her.

When they’d initially mentioned her helping with the free clinic, she’d had the perfect opportunity to share why she’d rather not. Instead, she’d brushed it off, saying she enjoyed the lower-pressure position of receptionist. And when they’d asked her to help when Janessa was sick, she could have told them then.Shouldhave told them then.

But she hadn’t. She had agreed to step in and do Janessa’s job as receptionistandnurse. How had she not been aware of how bad that was for the clinic?

“And she was also living with drug addicts before moving here,” Nora added.

Gareth stared at her, that latest revelation confirming that this wasn’t information that had just fallen into her lap. Though he hadn’t really believed that to begin with. Clearly, Nora had gone looking for information on Aria.

The wordsyou’re firedwere on the tip of his tongue, but he couldn’t say them. He needed to speak with Janessa to find out how much of this she knew before they could move forward.

Once his sister found out that Nora was behind Aria leaving, he wasn’t sure what she would do. He really hoped that Janessa hadn’t known about all of this when she’d convinced him and Jay that hiring her friend was a good thing.

“Thank you for bringing this to our attention.” He turned back to his computer, hoping she’d get the point that their conversation was over.

Nora gave an annoyed exhale before she got to her feet. “You know I only have the best interests of the clinic in mind.”

Gareth was quite sure thatwasn’ttrue. She’d had it out for Aria from day one, and he suspected that she’d somehow gotten wind that he and Aria were dating. Had been dating.

Had been dating…The past tense of that statement was a punch to his stomach.