Page 89 of Gareth

Aria smiled as she put the medicine on the nightstand. “Charli and Layla aren’t here. If you need something, text me. I’m sure Gareth will let me drive his car back.”

“Okay. But I think I’ll be fine. I’ll try to eat something in a little while.”

“At least keep drinking.”

A small smile tipped the corners of Janessa’s mouth. “Yes, Nurse.”

Aria’s stomach twisted a bit at the inference, but she still smiled. “The doctor will be here any minute if you think you need to see him.”

Janessa waved her hand. “Nah. No need to expose someone else to this nastiness.”

“Okay. Well, I’d better go. Gareth will be here soon.”

“Have fun,” Janessa said.

Aria left the room, then went downstairs. She washed up at the sink, then used some hand sanitizer, just to be safe.

She was drying her hands when the doorbell rang. Her heartbeat accelerated as she hung up the towel, then went to open the door.

“Hey, sweetheart,” Gareth said with a smile as he stepped inside.

Aria accepted his hug and lifted her face for his kiss. As she leaned against him, Aria took a moment to appreciate his nearness. His strength. His gentleness in dealing with her.

He was a light out of the darkness of grief and heartache. Her reason for focusing forward.

“Everything okay?” Gareth asked as he looked down at her. “You seem a little tense.”

“I’m fine. Just worried about Janessa,” she said. “Plus, I didn’t realize how busy the Saturday morning clinics are.”

Gareth gave a huff of laughter as she turned to grab her jacket from the closet. “Yeah. They can be a bit hectic. Did Nora give you any trouble?”

Aria zipped up her jacket. “Nope. She arrived, saw patients, then left.”

“Good. I’m glad to hear that.”

They left the house and walked to Gareth’s car. As Aria slid into the passenger seat, she hoped Gareth wouldn’t ask any more questions about the morning.

The drive to the church didn’t take long, and soon they were walking into the church hand-in-hand. New nerves flared up at the thought of meeting these people who knew Gareth well. What would they think of her?

“Hey, man!” a man called out as they entered the sanctuary and headed down the aisle. “Heard they won last night.”

“Yep. It was a great game,” Gareth said, leading Aria to where the man stood. “They definitely had to fight for the win, though.”

The man turned to Aria, holding out his hand. “I don’t think we’ve met. I’m Travis.”

Aria shook his hand. “I’m Aria.”

Travis’ smile grew. “The girlfriend. He’s told us about you.”

Gareth slid his arm around her waist and smiled down at her. “All good things.”

“Definitely all good things,” Travis agreed with a nod.

Two more people walked in, and Gareth introduced Aria to them. The women were both friendly and greeted her with smiles. The apprehension she’d felt at meeting them eased as they stood chatting.

The final two people arrived a few minutes later, and after one last round of introductions, Aria settled on the front pew while the worship team members went up on the stage to the instruments.

Gareth smiled at her from his place at the drums, spinning the drumsticks in a way she knew he wouldn’t during a worship service. It was a move that made her smile, especially when he winked at her.