Page 85 of Gareth

“I guess we’d better go in,” Gareth said softly. “Though I wish we didn’t have to.”

Aria nodded reluctantly, but she finally shifted back into her seat, letting her hand slip from his neck. “There’s always next time.”

“Definitely,” Gareth agreed with a quiet laugh. “And then the time after that.”

Smiling, Aria got out of the car, then walked hand in hand with Gareth to the front the door. He stepped inside with her, but he didn’t take his jacket off. The house was quiet though, so they stood uninterrupted near the front door.

“It’ll be hard not to hug you when I see you in the morning,” Gareth said. “But I guess we’d better continue to keep that kind of thing outside of the clinic.”

She felt exactly the same way, but the kiss they shared already would have to tide them over until they could be together again.

Up in her room, Aria flopped back on her bed with a happy sigh. It had been the best day she’d ever had. And now that she and Gareth had decided to take their relationship to the next level, she couldn’t wait to see how life unfolded for them.

It felt so freeing to be moving toward something wonderful, leaving behind the horrible turn her life had taken over the previous year.


Aria frowned as she took in the pathetic sight of her friend slumped at the counter in the kitchen. “You’re not feeling any better?”

“I’m feelingworse,” Janessa groaned as she laid her head on her arms. “And I didn’t think a person could feel this bad and still be alive.”

Janessa had been sick for the past two days, and it didn’t appear that she was going to get better in time to work her shift at the free clinic the next day.

“So, can you cover for me tomorrow?”

Nerves fluttered in Aria’s stomach. Over the past two days, she had covered part of Janessa’s responsibilities at the clinic. She’d juggled directing patients to exam rooms along with her usual duties, but Gareth and Nora had taken over the rest of what Janessa usually did.

Aria wasn’t sure if that would be the case at the Saturday clinic. Though she really didn’t want to take on actual nursing duties, it seemed like she wouldn’t have a choice. Everyone thought she was able to perform the duties of a nurse, but that she was just filling in the role of receptionist because that was where they needed her.

She would prefer to not have to explain why she didn’t want to do the nursing side of the job. At least not yet. Because of that, she either had to just do what was required of her or tell them why she wouldn’t do it.

But since everything was still so new, she just didn’t want to tell them why she didn’t want to perform nursing responsibilities and jeopardize any of it. Her job. Her home. Most especially, her and Gareth’s relationship.

That couldn’t happen.

“Sure. I’ll cover for you.”

“Thank you,” Janessa moaned. “I don’t think I’m ever going to feel human again.”

“I’m sorry you’re feeling so badly,” Aria said.

“I just want some water, then I’m going back to bed.”

Aria went to the fridge and pulled out a bottle of water. “Just one?”

“Maybe two. Then I won’t have to come back down.”

Aria grabbed another bottle and set them both on the counter in front of Janessa. “Do you want something to eat? I can bring food up to you.”

“I’m not sure I’ll ever want to eat again.” Janessa dragged herself to her feet, then picked up the water bottles.

“Anything else I can do for you?” Aria asked.

“Nah. I’m just going to try to get some sleep.”

“Call me if you need something. That way, you won’t have to come back downstairs.”

“I will.”