Page 73 of Gareth

“Don’t you hang out enough with them since you all live together?” Nora asked.

“Not really. Plus, I really enjoy the games.”

Nora crossed her arms. “I only went to one game shortly after I started to work here. Gareth invited me.”

Aria ignored the comment about Gareth. Not because she thought Nora was lying, but because it just wasn’t relevant anymore. “Did you enjoy it?”

“Not really. The benches were hard. The gym was noisy. And the food was terribly unhealthy.”

“All of that is true,” Aria agreed. “But I still think it’s fun.”

“Perhaps I should give it another shot.”

Aria wanted to discourage Nora from coming, but she had a feeling that would only make the woman more determined to go. “Perhaps you should.”

Nora’s brows drew together as she stared at Aria. “You wouldn’t care if I came to the game?”

Aria shrugged. “I mean, if you think you’d enjoy it, why would I tell you not to come?”

She looked skeptical at Aria’s reply, but all she said was, “Maybe I’ll see you there.”

Aria smiled brightly at her, which Nora didn’t return before she turned and left. Aria’s smile slid into a frown as she watched the woman walk away. She really, really hoped that Nora didn’t show up at the game. It would definitely put a damper on the evening for her. But at least Nora didn’t know about Saturday evening.

At work, she and Gareth had kept their relationship professional, making sure their conversation was focused on their work. They’d agreed that would be easiest, rather than having to remember to make sure Nora couldn’t hear them before having a more personal conversation.

That didn’t mean they hadn’t spoken. Gareth had texted her on Wednesday to see if she’d mind if he called. Her immediate reply had been that she’d mind more if he didn’t. They’d spent time on the phone the past two nights, talking about life—both personal and in general. It was the most time she’d spent talking to a guy about stuff like that… ever. And she’d loved it.

She’d been looking forward to spending time with Gareth at the game, but if Nora did show up, they might have to hold off conversing much until a phone call later in the evening. It would be disappointing, but she knew that they’d have plenty of time to talk on their next date.

After finishing up her work, Aria shut down everything at the front. She did a quick restock of the rooms with Janessa to prepare for the Saturday morning clinic.

Jay had left earlier to meet with the team, and Nora had left shortly after her conversation with Aria, so it was just her, Janessa, and Gareth in the clinic.

“Nora said she might come to the game tonight,” Aria informed them.

“What?” Janessa demanded. “Why on earth would she say that?”

Aria gave them a quick recap of the conversation she’d had with Nora. “I just didn’t want to protest too much.”

“You did the right thing,” Gareth said. “I kind of doubt she’ll show up. She really didn’t enjoy it the one time she came.”

“Yeah. I remember that.” Janessa frowned. “She seemed more interested in impressing you and our parents than watching the game.”

“But if she does show up, just act like you normally would.” Gareth smiled at Aria. “It’ll be fine.”

Aria couldn’t help but smile back, all the while hoping that Gareth was right. It rankled her that by showing up Nora could force her and Gareth to keep their distance from each other. She wondered how long they’d have to structure their interactions around the other woman’s presence.

“Are you coming by the house?” Janessa asked. “Or are we meeting you at the game?”

“I’ll come by,” Gareth said. “I just need to run home and change.”

“We’re doing sandwiches as usual,” Janessa told him. “Charli’s stopping to pick up stuff.”

“Sounds good.”

The three of them left the building and walked to the cars in the back parking lot. As they neared Janessa’s car, Gareth took Aria’s hand. When she turned toward him, her heart skipped a beat at the affection in his gaze.

“See you in a bit,” he said.