Page 23 of Gareth

The little girl beamed back at her uncle as she lifted her hands above her head. “We’re gonna raise the roof.”

Aria couldn’t keep from laughing at the expression that Layla had clearly heard from the adults around her.

Cole took the seat next to Wilder. “What are we talking about?”

“The game tomorrow,” Wilder said.

The conversation veered off into stats on the two different teams, which left Aria lost. However, she would go with the others to the game the next day, and hopefully it wouldn’t be too confusing to understand what was happening. It seemed like even Layla had a firm grasp of the sport.

The others joined them at the table, and Aria noted that there were seven siblings present. Jay wasn’t there, and Janessa had said their other two siblings were away at school. Now that the town was her new home, Aria figured that she’d meet them eventually.

Kayleigh was the oldest sister, and she carried herself with poise and a certain elegance. Janessa had said that she worked as a manager at a nearby five-star resort.

It seemed like there was a real assortment of personalities in the Halverson siblings, but none of them seemed overly introverted. At least not to the extent Aria was. Or maybe they were only so highly interactive because they were with family.

“So how are you finding life here so far, Aria?” Gareth asked, drawing her attention from the food on her plate.

Aria set her fork down and rubbed her arm. “It’s lovely. A bit colder than I’m used to, though.”

Gareth nodded. “We’re not as cold as some of the midwestern states, but we get enough snow to keep the snow bunnies happy.”

“I’ll teach you how to ski if you’d like,” Wilder volunteered.

“Nope.” Janessa held out her hand. “You’re not allowed to encourage our newly hired receptionist to risk life and limb on the slopes.”

Wilder grinned at his sister. “Or maybe you’re afraid she’ll be better on skis than you were.”

“I could have been better on skis,” Janessa protested. “I just had no desire to spend that much time in the cold.”

“Maybe you two need to let Aria make that decision for herself,” Gareth said as he flashed her a quick smile.

Aria did not know what to do with the warmth that filled her at Gareth coming to her defense. It was… unexpected. She had yet to see the grumpy doctor Jay had referred to. So far, Gareth had been nothing but friendly and gracious to her, which she appreciated very much.

“I’m really not sure that I’m ready to start the skiing portion of my life.” Aria grimaced. “Knowing my luck, I’d break an arm or leg on even the easiest of slopes. I don’t need that new experience in my life right now.”

“Exactly,” Janessa said with a smirk at Wilder.

“There’s always next season,” he told her. “You might change your mind after realizing there’s not much going on around here.”

“You mean I’ll take up skiing out of boredom?” Aria asked.

“Yep. Wouldn’t be the first person to do that.”

“Oh, I doubt that will ever happen. When I get bored, I just open up a book.”

“No wonder you’re friends with Janessa,” Wilder muttered. “She’d rather read a book or watch TV than hit the slopes.”

Wilder wasn’t wrong. Reading was one of many things the two of them had bonded over as roommates. Though, admittedly, Janessa hadn’t read as much as Aria. She’d managed to balance her reading with a social life.

Janessa lifted her hand with a grin, prompting Aria to smack it.

“I like to read too!” Layla said and lifted her hand.

Aria smiled at her as she gave her little palm a light smack. When she glanced over at Gareth, he was watching them with an affectionate look on his face.

“Always read, Layla-bug,” he said. “It’s the most important thing.”

“Well, I do like to ski too,” Layla reminded him. “I’m not even on the easiest slope anymore. Right, Uncle Wild?”