Page 62 of Gareth

“Maybe. I’m also wondering how Nora would react if she got wind of the fact that we’d had dinner together.”

Gareth nodded, obviously taking her concern seriously. “I understand that, and I certainly wouldn’t tell her, and I don’t think any of the others would either.”

Aria didn’t doubt that at all, but it wouldn’t surprise her if Nora had spies spread around Serenity to report on Gareth’s activities. The woman was intently focused on the man, and if Aria agreed to this dinner, that focus would land on her with none of the fondness that Nora held for Gareth.

Even without time to think about it, Aria wanted to say yes. To embrace yet one more opportunity. To see if the feelings she had for Gareth might be returned.

“In that case, I would love to go for dinner.”

This time, his smile lit up his face. “Wonderful! Do you have a preference on where to go? Type of food?”

“I don’t know anything about restaurants around here, so I’ll leave that up to you.”

“What about the type of food?” Gareth asked, his relaxed body posture making it seem like he did this kind of thing all the time.

Only Janessa had said that he wasn’t a big dater, and that too often, women misread his interest in them. Aria needed to keep that in mind until she got a clear sign one way or another.

It would probably have been wiser for her to say no and keep her distance from him in all but a friendly or professional manner. This situation held so much potential… for hurt, definitely, but there was also the possibility that something might grow between them. And she desperately wanted that.

“I like most types of food,” Aria said. “Though I have to say I’m not a huge fan of seafood.”

Gareth nodded. “So no shrimp or lobster.”

“Yep. And no fish.”

“You’re in luck in that I have a seafood allergy, so I won’t risk taking you to a restaurant that only serves something that’s going to cause me great discomfort.”

“I don’t have any food allergies, though being around cats can have me sneezing my head off.”

“Too bad you’re not allergic to dogs,” Gareth said. “Then Charli could use that as an excuse when Layla bugs her for a dog.”

“Charli doesn’t want a dog?”

“Charli and Janessa don’t want a dog,” Janessa said as she approached the desk. “I don’t mind Bella coming over temporarily, but I don’t want a dog full-time.”

“You’re such a mean aunt.” Gareth’s grin took the sting out of his words. “You’re probably Layla’s favorite aunt, and still, you’re willing to break that little girl’s heart.”

“Shut up.” Janessa grabbed a piece of paper from the printer and balled it up before quickly tossing it at Gareth. When it bounced off his forehead, she yelled, “Score!”

Gareth chuckled as he leaned over and plucked the ball of paper from the floor. “Now try to get it into the garbage. Jay could do it.”

“But not you?” Aria asked.

“I need a set of goalposts or an end zone.”

“And still you didn’t score as often as I did,” Jay remarked. “Is there a meeting going on?”

“There wasn’t,” Gareth said as he tossed the paper ball at Jay, who easily snagged it out of the air, then pivoted and tossed it into the garbage can. “But perhaps there should be one.”

“If it’s about Nora, I’m out.” Jay leaned back against the wall and crossed his arms.

“Don’t tell me you don’t have an opinion,” Janessa said as she pushed at his arm. “Because I know for sure that you do.”

“Oh, I do,” Jay agreed. “But there’s nothing we can do about the situation at the moment. Until she does something that warrants firing, it’s a waste of time to keep discussing her. I’m not a fan of going in circles.”

“Mark this on your calendar,” Gareth said. “I agree with Jay.”

“Creating a hostile work environment should warrant a firing,” Janessa grumbled.