Page 53 of Gareth

He pointed a finger at her. “That I paid for.”

“You make the big bucks, bro. It’s only fair you pay.”

Gareth laughed. “Well, just for that, I’m going to take my pizza home with me.”

“That better only be a threat about the pizza you liked best and not all of it,” Charli said. “I was counting on some for breakfast tomorrow.”

“I love pizza for breakfast.” Layla went to Gareth and looked up at him with wide eyes. “Please don’t take it all.”

Gareth reached out and ruffled her hair. “I see that your aunts have been training you well. For your sake—and your sake only—I will leave everything but the all-meat one.”

“Oh, thank you, Uncle Gare,” Layla said as she flung her arms around his waist. “You’re my favorite uncle.”

The three women snickered at Layla’s words, while Gareth said, “You are a fickle little child. I don’t believe I’ll be your favorite anymore when you want to wear your cheerleader outfit. Then Jay and Cole will be your favorites since it’s for a basketball game.”

Aria watched as Gareth swung Layla up onto his hip to give her a hug. Her ex had agreed that they’d have children one day, but she’d never really seen him interact with kids. When there had been children around, he’d been more apt to focus on the adults than the kids.

It hadn’t really bothered her because she hadn’t been around a lot of kids, either. She’d just assumed that when the day came for them to have a child of their own, they’d know what to do. Watching Gareth with his niece was like a glimpse of how he’d be as a father. It was definitely an appealing sight.

As Gareth headed to the stairs, still carrying Layla, the rest of them got up and followed him. In the kitchen, Janessa identified which box of pizza was his favorite. Then they all went to the front door. Kayleigh pulled on her jacket while Janessa held the pizza box so Gareth could put on his.

“See you guys tomorrow,” Gareth said as he took the pizza from Janessa. “Don’t be late.”

“We’re never late,” Charli scoffed. “We’re always there in time for the sermon.”

“But then you miss my wonderful contribution to the worship time.”

After a little more joking around, Gareth turned to Aria and smiled. “It was nice chatting with you tonight. See you tomorrow.”

Aria nodded. “I’ll be there.”

Cold air rushed into the house as Kayleigh opened the front door. Gareth followed her out onto the porch, pulling the door shut behind him.

Janessa turned to Aria, one of her dark brows slightly arched. “Looks like maybe Gareth has taken an interest in you.”


Aria froze, then frowned at Janessa. “Um… What?”

Janessa turned to Charli. “What do you think? Am I wrong?”

Charli shrugged. “It seems like a definite possibility.”

“I don’t understand why you’d say that,” Aria said, her stomach in a knot. As much as she might have wished that to be true, there was a moment of panic that it might be a wish that could come true.

“Let’s get something to drink,” Janessa said as she turned toward the kitchen.

“Make me a cup of tea, please.” Charli held out her hand to her daughter, who grabbed it without hesitation. “I’ll be back once Layla’s in bed.”

“Will do.”

In the kitchen, Janessa grabbed the kettle and filled it with water. Aria settled on a stool at the island counter, nervous about the conversation yet to come. She had no idea how Janessa felt about the pronouncement she’d just made.

Janessa had definitely warned her about Gareth appearing interested in someone when he was actually just being friendly. Aria had taken that warning to heart. But was Janessa now saying that wasn’t the case?

Working in silence, Janessa pulled mugs down from the cupboard and got out the basket of assorted teas. After removing two tea bags, Janessa slid the basket across the counter to Aria. Though she wasn’t a big tea drinker, Charli and Janessa had a large selection of teas, and in the time since she’d moved in, she’d found a couple of flavors she enjoyed.

After finding one of those flavors, Aria turned her attention back to her friend. “Did I do something wrong?”