Page 42 of Gareth

Aria breathed a sigh of relief when they locked the doors at the end of the day on Friday. It had been a good week, but not without a few bumps. Janessa had made it clear that she was doing well with her training, which Aria appreciated. It made up for the moments when Nora criticized her.

It wasn’t that Aria thought she was doing the job perfectly. She was still making a mistake or two most days, but at least none of them were life-threatening. Janessa had said that there was no mistake that couldn’t be fixed. Aria knew that wasn’t true in life, but when it came to her current job, she supposed it was.

“Are you two coming to the game tonight?” Gareth asked from the hallway as they were in the stockroom finishing up.

Janessa had let her know earlier that she and Gareth would be working at the free clinic the next day. As part of the services they offered at the clinic, they gave out bags of essentials for patients who needed them. The bags included things like toothpaste, deodorant, and shampoo and soap for kids.

“I plan to go,” Janessa said, then glanced at Aria. “But I’m not sure if Aria has decided yet.”

When Janessa had asked her about it the previous night, Aria hadn’t been sure how she’d feel at the end of the week. But honestly, for a few different reasons, the idea of going was irresistible. “I think I’d like to go. I enjoyed it so much the last time.”

“It’s out of town this weekend,” Gareth said.

“Are you offering to give us a ride?” Janessa asked with a big smile.

Gareth chuckled. “Sure. But if I’m playing chauffeur, you need to feed me.”

“I agree to that deal,” Janessa said as she held her hand out.

With a grin, Gareth took it and gave it an exaggerated shake. “I’ll be at the house by five-thirty.”

“Thankfully, Charli said she’d cook tonight since she knew that waiting for us to get home and cook, would be too late.”

“Yeah. We’re going to have to eat quickly,” Gareth said. “We need to leave by six-fifteen if we’re going to make it before seven.”

Janessa wrinkled her nose. “I really prefer the home games.”

“Ah, but it’s such fun to beat a team on their home turf. Some of them act so tough until our team arrives.”

Aria wondered what it might have been like to attend games as a teenager. But then she remembered that if she had gone to games back then, she would have been sitting by herself.

“Are Jackson and Wade going?”

“Not this time,” Gareth said as they walked toward the back of the building. “Wade picked up a side job and Jackson is going to give him a hand with it.”

“They didn’t need you too?” Janessa asked as she led them into the staff room.

“No. Plus, they know it’s important that I go to Cole’s games.”

Of all the things that Aria had anticipated gaining from the move to Serenity Point, the list hadn’t included a family who’d welcome her into their midst socially. She’d figured she’d just hang out with Janessa, since they’d been friends for so long.

But what she’d experienced since arriving went well beyond spending time with Janessa. And she was grateful because it helped her put what had happened in Sacramento behind her. It was even helping her with her grief, keeping her too busy during the day to dwell on her loss. The grief was always at its strongest at night, but that was to be expected.

As they left the clinic, Gareth headed for his car, while Aria followed Janessa to hers.

“Are you sure you’re up to going to another game?” Janessa asked as she drove out of the small parking lot behind the clinic. “I don’t want you to feel you have to attend just because the rest of us go. You might enjoy some peace and quiet.”

Maybe it would get to that point eventually, but Aria didn’t feel that way yet. “I’m fine, and I really enjoyed the game last week.”

“I’m going to give you a special shirt to wear then.”

“A shirt?”

“Yep. When we go to another school for a game, we like to show which team we’re there to support. And just wait until you see Layla.”

Aria wasn’t sure what she meant by that, but she didn’t have to wonder for long. No sooner had they walked in the front door, when the little girl came running to greet them.

She was decked out like a mini cheerleader, sporting an outfit that was similar to her aunt’s, though she appeared to be wearing leggings underneath her pleated skirt. Her hair was pulled back in a high ponytail with long curls and ribbons that matched the outfit she wore.