Page 39 of Gareth

“Thank you,” Colby said, flashing her a big grin. “You’re the best.”

“Uh… well, you’re welcome, and thank you for the compliment. You’re the best too.”

Colby turned to his mom, his eyes wide. “She thinks I’m the best too, Momma.”

Jocelyn reached out and ruffled her son’s hair. “That’s because you are.”

The happy little boy stuck the lollipop into his mouth, then took his mom’s hand as she led him to the door. He turned back to wave at Aria one last time before leaving the building.

“You’re just sweeping up hearts left and right,” Gareth said with a laugh.

She shot him a look before turning back to the computer. “I’m a big hit with the under seven crowd, apparently. It’s probably got a lot to do with the lollipops.”

“Possibly.” Gareth walked to the desk and leaned over to grab the basket of candy.

She looked up at him as he searched through the lollipop for his favorite flavor. “You’re going to need to pick up more strawberry and grape ones. They’re the ones most kids go for.”

“And doctors too, I see,” she said when he handed the basket back to her.

“I can’t deny it.” He grinned at her as he held up the lollipop he’d chosen. “Grape ones are my favorite, so it’s possible I’m the reason there aren’t many left.”

“I’ll keep that in mind.” Aria tucked the basket under the ledge of the desk, where it was out of sight.

Before he could respond, a patient came in the front door and approached Aria. Not wanting to distract her from her job, Gareth turned and headed back down the hallway.

“What were you doing up at the front?” Nora asked when she spotted him.

He thought about telling her it was none of her business, but Gareth wasn’t in the mood to deal with the escalation that would follow. She’d think he was being defensive and hiding something. “I was walking a patient out.”

“You don’t usually do that.”

Gareth couldn’t contain his irritation. “Sure I do. Plus this was a six-year-old little boy who just had a shot.”

“Or maybe it was because of his mother,” she said.

He gave a frustrated huff and turned away from her to go into his office until Janessa let him know his next patient was there. Nora really needed to figure out who she wanted to be jealous of.

The week had been going fairly well, and as long as he didn’t spend any time around Aria or any other single woman, Nora was fine. However, it was stressing him out. He shouldn’t need to avoid interacting with anyone just to keep Nora happy. That was particularly true when it involved employees at the clinic or the patients that he treated.

It irritated Gareth enough right then that he spun on his heel and left his office for Jay’s. He knocked on the door frame, then stepped into the room when Jay looked up.

The man reclined back in his chair, interlacing his hands across his stomach. “What’s up?”

Gareth closed the door, then approached the chair across from Jay. He sat down and leaned forward, resting his elbows on his thighs. Jay lifted an eyebrow.

“We need to find another female doctor,” he said. “It’s getting ridiculous. I can’t even go near the front without her demanding why I’m up there.”

Surprisingly enough, Jay nodded. Gareth had anticipated Jay joking about it, but perhaps he realized it wasn’t beneficial to the clinic to have someone with that sort of attitude working there.

“I’ve been trying, bro. I’m just not getting much interest.” Jay sat forward. “Maybe you need to reach out to more of your connections to see if someone has a suggestion.”

Gareth rubbed his hand across the back of his neck. “Okay. I’ll make some calls.”

“I think we’re getting desperate here,” Jay said. “We need to explore more avenues.”

“I agree,” Gareth told him. “I just don’t understand why she’s acting like this.”

“That makes two of us,” Jay said. “I mean, you’re notthatgreat a catch.”