Page 20 of Gareth

Gareth grimaced. “At least Aria is not spiking my coffee.”

Jay stared at the doorway before he said, “What happens if Nora says it’s her or Aria?”

He’d kept his voice low, which Gareth appreciated. The last thing they needed to do was give Nora the idea. “I’m banking on her being more professional than that. She has no legitimate reason to offer such an ultimatum.”

Jay nodded. “I’ve begun putting ads out for the position again.”

“I would hate to have to fire her, but with such a small staff, we need people who are at least interested in working together. Nora seems more focused on getting rid of Aria than getting along with her.”

It wasn’t something Gareth liked to point out, but they couldn’t ignore it. The only reason Nora hadn’t given their previous receptionist any issues was because she’d been married and pregnant. She’d decided to stay home with her baby after the birth, which was why they’d needed someone to replace her permanently.

“Janessa will make sure that Nora leaves Aria alone,” Jay said. “But she needs to be able to do her own job without constantly worrying that Nora is going to upset Aria.”

Gareth didn’t know Aria very well yet, but he hoped that she had a backbone. No doubt she was still feeling some timidity since it was her first few days at the clinic, and she only really knew Janessa. In time, she would hopefully gain some courage as she got to know each of them and found her footing in the job.

“Your first patient is here,” Janessa said as she poked her head back into the room.

“Thanks.” Gareth had eaten most his salad, so he got up and tossed the rest into the garbage. He washed his hands, then headed to the room where his first patient waited.

The rest of the afternoon passed quickly, and soon, the last patient had left the clinic. Gareth went into his office, pausing to stretch his arms up. He was glad that his week was done. Nora would be in the next morning to handle the appointments at the free clinic. They alternated working Saturday mornings at the clinic, and it was her turn.

He appreciated that she didn’t argue about taking her turn at the clinic. It was just one more reason why he wished she’d just lay off Aria and leave him alone. If she did, things at the clinic would be just fine.

A short time later, he left the clinic, locking up before he walked to his car. Janessa had texted to let him know that she’d phoned in the pizza order and all he needed to do was pay for it when he picked it up.

Most the people working at the pizza place knew him, and they called out greetings when he walked in. He talked with them for a few minutes, getting caught up on the lives of the kids who worked there. Some of them were his patients, so he’d seen them a few times in a professional capacity. Others he knew through Cole and Jay.

“You coming to watch the basketball game tomorrow afternoon, Doc?”

Several others chimed in with the name of their competition, which was another nearby high school that had been their chief rival even back when Gareth had been in high school.

“Yep.” His youngest two siblings were still in high school, with his brother being on the basketball team and his sister being a cheerleader.

“We’re gonna wipe the floor with them,” a guy yelled from the kitchen. “Probably should have a doctor there.”

Gareth chuckled. “Well, then I guess it’s good I’ve cleared my schedule.”

Only two of the workers were actually on the team, but it seemed that anyone that wasn’t working planned to be at the game. He hadn’t been on the basketball team in high school. Football had been more his speed. Jay, however, had played basketball all four years of high school and had gained a scholarship for it to college. Now he was back in Serenity Point, helping the high school team during practices.

After paying for the pizza, he carried the stack of boxes out to the car. He made a stop at a convenience store and picked up an assortment of sodas.

By the time he pulled up at the house, Gareth was starving, thanks to the aroma of the pizza that saturated the interior of his car. He hooked the bags with the soda on his wrists, then picked up the stack of boxes and headed for the large house. When he reached the front door, he used his elbow to press the doorbell.

The door swung open to reveal Aria. Gripping the edge of the door, she stepped back, opening it wide for him. After he stepped into the foyer, she closed it behind him.

“Can I help you with anything?” she asked.

“I think I’m balanced well enough,” he told her. “But thanks.”

She flashed him a quick smile, then walked with him to the kitchen. He noticed that she’d changed into a pair of loose sweats and a baggy sweatshirt, seeming to be dressed more for comfort than style. Which was also the case for Janessa and Charli.

“Gare!” His youngest brother, Cole, headed over to him and took the pizza boxes out of his arms. “I hope you brought plenty. I’m starving.”

“If there’s not enough, blame Nessa. I only picked up the order. She was the one to phone it in.”

“Just leave the boxes on the counter,” Charli said, then she turned to Aria. “Do you want to grab some plastic cups and paper plates from the pantry? Layla, please show Ari where everything is.”

Aria followed Layla into the small pantry that opened up off the kitchen. It looked like Aria was fitting in well with the household. And if Charli felt comfortable enough to give her new roommate orders, that was a good sign.