#allthenews #MaeSullivan #allthesexxxy #justjana #clicklinkinbio #newsgasm #couples #throuples
I swipedthrough the pics of the trio dancing and drinking in a crowded nightclub. “Oh boy—and girls.”
He laughed, and I glanced at him. “He’s laughing, ladies and gentleman. How do you really feel, Beck Lanier?”
“Done. Removed.”
I gave him back his phone. “Feelings aren’t done when you say they are.”
He only shrugged, opening a new can of beer.
“You’re not angry, upset, jealous? Especially seeing something like this?” I gestured at a pic of the three sitting in each other’s laps laughing. “You two were all the couple goals.”
“What does that mean?”
“It’s a social media hashtag—”
“I know what it is, but what the hell does it mean? What is it to you?”
“Oh, I’m definitely no expert.” I drained my beer.
“Who is?”
I opened another beer and took a swallow. “You see the thing about you and Mae was that you made an interesting combination. You were the quieter one, the intense alternative rock guitarist, always dressed in dark clothes with your laid back yet edgy vibe.”
“Hmm tell me more…” He raised his beer at me.
“And she was the sparkly, outgoing all-American party girl. Both of you very good looking, and together, you made an intriguing package that was hot. You were a fantasy for everyone. Only it was real.”
“A fantasy, huh?”
“I imagine it must be really hard for celebrities like you and Mae to have a personal relationship when the whole world is projecting their dreams and hopes for themselves on you, on their superficial understanding of you. Of who they want you to be.”
“Exactly right,” he said.
“That life, the two of you, together, was a fantasy come true. Two beautiful, talented, successful stars in love, having it all, so happy, so carefree—Goals.”
He said nothing, his face thoughtful, serious.
Idiot. Here I was distilling his relationship into stupid categories for public consumption. I averted my gaze, pushing away my beer. My stomach twisted at the memory of all the pics of Beck and Mae I’d seen all over social media over the course of their relationship. They’d seemed so in sync, so happy.
“We were a shining paragon of having it all, huh?” he asked.
“I’m sure a lot of fans saw it that way.”
“And they’re now mourning the loss of our magnificent couplehood?” He crossed his arms over his chest and leaned back against the sofa. “Wow. That was my first relationship.”
“Really? So this breakup must have been—uh, must be—really difficult. I’m sorry. Let’s talk about something else.”
“How about you? Any big relationships?”
“I’ve been in a couple of … extended dating situations.”