Page 30 of Whirlwind

I trained my gaze past the shoulder of his unattractive and too small brown suit jacket to the rolling hills of land which met the bright blue sky. Not one cloud today, so unusual. So unusually beautiful.

“…And so today, let there not be tears of loss, but smiles of remembrance.”

Loss and remembrance. The cornerstones of the Hildebrands’ and the Dillons’ lives in Meager.

The pastor stepped forward and shook Dad’s hand, spoke with Mom. There was murmuring and shuffling, stiff smiles. We were done. Until next year. But at least next year there would be no pastor, no entire family, just the usual quick visit and flowers. At least.

Mom put her arm through mine. “This was nice.”

“Yes, very.”

“Too bad Jessa couldn’t be here.” She let out a ragged sigh. “Ten years…” Her voice broke, and I pressed my hand over hers.

Dad turned to us. His gaze traveled over me from head to booted toe. Did he recognize last night’s outfit? His jaw tightened into a square, his brow furrowed.Yes, he did!

“Hi again, Dad.”

An eyebrow quirked. “Violet.”

“What do you mean, again?” Mom asked.

“Dad and I bumped into each other last night—”

His eyes flared.

I grinned at him. “At the gas station.”

“Hey, Marshall, Dad and I got a question for you—” Uncle Maddox came over to Dad and they walked off together toward Grandpa.

Mom gave me a soft smile. “Did you and Wes have fun last night?”

“We did, yes. Sara ended up coming too after she got off work, which is how I spent the night at her house.”

She squeezed my hand. “I appreciate your texting me when you’re staying out. You’re so good about that.”

“I like letting you know I’m okay.”

“Well. I better get to the Grand.” She took in a breath as she cast a final glance at her son’s tombstone. “Good-bye, honey,” she whispered. A whisper that slashed at my heart like a sharp dagger. Excruciating.

Ten years or ten minutes, that sensation hadn’t changed, and I knew it never would.



I took a shower,got dressed, packed, and called Wes.

“Sorry for cutting out on you, man, but I couldn’t face the crowd situation at the Tingle. I really couldn’t.”

“No worries, dude, I get it. How’s that pretty face?”

“Not so pretty.”

“Good. See how the rest of us live.”

What a joke. Wes was incredibly good looking. Dark wavy hair just to his shoulders, dark blue eyes, sharp jaw, and cool dude biker DNA that oozed from every pore.

“Violet performed all the appropriate medical duties on your face?”