I wanted to go to L.A. with him.
All the reasons against going to L.A. were suddenly obsolete. There was only Beck in pain, Beck standing alone in an official and emotional no man’s land.
My passport slid back at me, and I took it. “Thank you.” I grabbed my suitcase handle and glanced at Beck again. His face pale, a rigid mask, his lips a thin line.
The security guard told him to go through, and he went to the passport officer, took off his sunglasses and handed over his passport.
Just a few moments more. Sour rose up my throat, my stomach twisted and jumped.
Beck dipped his head, spoke with the officer, nodded, and tucked his passport back in his wallet belt. He moved toward me and took my breath away. Even now, in pain, fatigued, he prowled, his body sensual in its movement. I soaked in the image of him into my every pore, every brain cell. My heart. He came to a stop in front of me.
This is it.
My throat clogged, my vision blurry. I threw my arm around his neck. I couldn’t leave him like this. I couldn’t.
He wiped the hair back from my face, stroking the side of my head, my cheek. “Oh, Violet,” he breathed. “I don’t want to lose you.” A noise escaped his throat.
“You won’t lose me. You won’t.”
We stood there, together, holding each other. Our ragged breathing the only sound in this huge, noisy, crowded airport, people brushing past us. A soft kiss on my cheek, a squeeze to my waist. His warm forehead on mine. “This is so hard, so hard.”
I couldn’t leave him like this. I couldn’t. I had to go to L.A. with him. I buried my face in his neck. He needed me.
A press of his lips against mine. That taste. “Babe, I have to go. My flight’s boarding already.”
I nodded. But my fingers wouldn’t uncurl from his soft cotton shirt. “Beck—”
Squealing and giggles filled the air around us. Right next to us. “Oh wow it’s true. Wow! I can’t believe it!” I peeked over Beck’s shoulder. Four smartphones were pointed at us.
“Uh…hey,” Beck turned his arm protectively keeping me close. The smartphones lowered. Four frozen teenage girls stood before us, mouths open wide. Those mouths morphed into huge smiles. “Congratulations, you guys! Oh my gosh!”
“For what exactly?” Beck said.
“For getting engaged!”
“Look, there’s the ring. So beautiful! Purple’s my favorite color too.”
One girl bounced forward. “We saw these amazing photos of you putting the ring on Violet’s finger in Athens at this cute cafe. Oh my gosh, so romantic!”
“Soooo romantic!” another said.
We stared at them. Beck’s grip on me tightened.
“Congrats!” All the girls hopped on their toes, clapping their hands even as passersby brushed past them with suitcases. They came closer to us. “We’re so happy for you. This is the best news.”
Beck’s chin lifted. “Our secret’s out already?” A smile grew on his lips.
“Yes! Yesssss!” The girls’ eyes widened. “This is so amazing bumping into you here. You’re on your way home now, right? Could we take photos with you?”
“Sure, you bet,” he said.
Electrified, I gazed up at Beck. He grinned, his arm now slung around my neck, pulling me in for a quick kiss on the lips. What the…
The girls took turns taking pics alongside us. I pressed against Beck.