“Hey. You’re not my plaything and you know it. I don’t need to prove anything to anybody about who I’m with and what I do. I don’t give a shit about all that PR crap, but it’s necessary.”
“You gave a shit when Mae dumped you on IG for a girl.”
Her face streaked with red. “I’m sorry. That was a terrible thing to say. I’m so sorry.” She brushed a hand down her mouth. “This is really new to me. It’s freaking me out.”
“I know it is.” I slid a hand around her neck and massaged her there.
“I got carried away with all the positive responses at first, but now…I don’t know. For you, this is huge bonus points and the “scandal” of it will all blow over quickly once you get spotted with another woman in L.A.” She downed a gulp of whiskey.
My pulse stumbled at her words. She was shoving us away again. Time to shove back. “There won’t be another woman in L.A. or anywhere else.”
“Violet, you’re not listening to me.” I grabbed her arms. “Listen to me.” Her gaze finally leveled with mine. “There will be no other woman because you are the woman I want. I want you in my life.”
Her shoulders dropped. “We’re going back home tomorrow—meaning, you to L.A. where you are a famous rock star, and me to Meager, South Dakota. That’s our real life. This here, now, isn’t. This was a larger than life vacation at an incredible, extraordinary place, where everything has been intense and colorful and wild.”
“That—that right there is exactly is how I feel about you. About us. Intense, extraordinary, colorful—”
She raised her chin. “Beck, we had fun this week. Like you’d said—no strings escapist fun which is what we both needed. I had my parent’s marriage exploding, you had your breakup and that crazy stalker who’s your bandmate’s girlfriend. The thrill of getting away and being here, plus lots of really good sex…that’s…that’s what you’re feeling.”
“That’s what I’m feeling, huh? And what are you feeling? I’d really like to know.”
“It doesn’t matter what I’m feeling.”
“It does matter, Violet. It matters to me and it should definitely matter to you.”
“I have to go home. My parents are a mess, and my sister will be home soon. We’re both going to have to find a place to live, the auction is around the corner. There’s a lot going on.”
“I realize all this public attention is new for you, and you’re in a panic about being thrust into the limelight. I get it. I’m pissed our privacy was invaded too. Our beautiful private moment hijacked. That was wrong of Tag. Incredibly fucked-up wrong. But on the other hand—”
“There’s another hand?”
“That special photo would never see the light of day if it wasn’t for Tag. I’m glad the world is getting to see you, like this. ”
“Naked? Fucking a rock star?”
“Is that what you thought when you set up that shot? If it is, do you need me to autograph a print for you so you can sell it?”
Her eyes flared. “No!”
My hands cupped her face, raising it toward me. “You know what this pic says to me? It’s you, how I’ve always seen you, high on life. Living your life your way. Sharing all that you are with your lover, who happens to be me.”
Her eyes widened, her lips trembled and I rubbed my thumb over them. “This photo is a piece of art that you created from what you felt, from how you saw us, how you experienced us in that moment. You said you wanted to keep that moment, and I’m glad you took this picture.”
My phone pinged. It was Lars, and I put the call on speaker. “Lars? You’re on speaker, I’m with Violet.”
“I wanted you to know I had no idea that Tag had that picture. No idea. I would’ve stopped him if I’d known what he was going to do. He crossed the line.”
“He did,” said Violet.
“Violet, you okay?”
“I don’t know. Thrown for a loop.”
“It was a shitty thing for Tag to do. But I’ve got to say, the pic is terrific. I love it.”