Page 140 of Whirlwind

“Ah, no.”

“You afraid of heights?”

“No, but that’s the ultimate in heights.”

“Go big, baby.” Tag laughed.

“That’s what you said to me the first time in Hawaii,” Beck said.

“Was I right?”

Beck grinned. “You were right.”

“The anticipation is the rough part for a newbie, but the second you’re out there’s no time for fear, you justare.”

I let out a laugh. “What is it with you and skydiving, Tag?”

“It’s like an intense sexual experience that makes your whole body vibrate, but it’s way more intense. It’s a euphoria that’s not limited by anything—not even gravity.”

“Another dimension…” I said in a spooky voice.

“It is. The freefall part is definitely a sensation overload. But then you release the parachute, and suddenly the euphoria becomes about calm and relaxation.”

Beck squeezed my hand. “Don’t think of it like you’re jumping at the ground. When you jump out of the plane, you’re jumping into the sky.”

“Sure, the first time it’s a mindfuck,” said Tag. “But the more times you skydive, the better your brain can process everything. You see, hear, taste and smell everything around you more acutely. Each time that sensation of living in the moment becomes more intense.”

“Which is why you’re always chasing the next dive somewhere new?” I asked.

“Yeah. For me, it’s the ultimate high because it’s as real as it gets.” He rubbed his middle. “Helps me quiet my brain too, which in my world is precious.”

“You planned this, of course.”

“I was worried you guys would say no to it right off.”

“I’ve always wondered what it would be like,” I said.

Tag’s gaze leveled with mine. “Stop wondering, start feeling.”



All through theintro and safety spiel I listened, I took mental notes. My pulse pounded, but it was steady not herky-jerky. Not crazy anxious.

Tag was hopping up and down, getting warmed up and getting himself even more excited if that were possible. That boy lived for sensation. Lars wore a GoPro on top of his helmet.

We boarded the tiny plane, crammed inside up against each other. It was cold, loud. Goosebumps rose up on my skin.

We ascended. Suddenly the light panel by the door flashed red. Yellow.

Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuckkkkkk.


The door slid open, and a sudden rush of even colder wind filled the plane. My heart jackhammered in my chest.I am on a plane with the door open.

The team leader gave the signal and Lars tumbled out into the sky. Here one second, gone the very next. Fear rippled through me. I had made this decision and here I was. A thrill curled around the fear.