We gotoff the boat and headed to a restaurant for food. We were starved.
Golden green olive oil flooded each of the brightly colored dishes and it only made the flavors of each dish all the more rich, sweet, delectable. Grilled fish and jumbo shrimp, and thick long octopus legs. Boiled greens, and the famed tomato and feta salad with onion, green peppers, and cucumber, and caper leaves. Plus, the ouzo had really kicked in. My head buzzed. Syrup flowed through my veins.
“Hey, man, let me ask you.” Kaspar’s arm hooked around my neck as we left the restaurant.
“What’s up?”
“How about you perform with me tomorrow?”
He chuckled. “You’re here, and I just can’t pass up this opportunity.”
Kaspar had collaborated with lots of artists—pop singers, a rapper, a famous young violinist, even a dead singer. He’d gotten permission to use one of her pop hits as a base track and had remixed it, used her voice, and created something new for a new generation. Working with him was like getting the seal of Cool Musical Artist Approval from Europe and Asia and the Middle East.
“I’ve been working with a Greek musician for the opening song. He’s playing thetouberléki, a small hand held drum popular here and in the Middle East. I’d love to add in your driving guitar for a contrast.”
I stopped us in my tracks. “Are you serious?”
“Absolutely serious.”
“I only have my acoustic with me.”
“That’s good, that’s good.” His Scandinavian accent was laced with a chuckle. “You in?”
“Of course I’m in. I’m honored. We don’t have much time. How’s this going to work?”
“Come to my house tonight. I’ll play you the track, see what comes up for you, and we figure it out. Andoni will be there. We’ve been working on Skype all this time.” His gaze shot to his Apple watch. “After eight?”
“I’ll be there.”
Back at our villa, Violet and I showered together and collapsed on the bed. Sun drenched and wiped out, we both fell into a deep sleep right away. A couple hours later we woke up and changed.
She brushed out her hair. “I’m so excited about you and Kaspar. Have you ever done anything like this before?”
“No, I haven’t. It’s so cool, but—”
“But what?”
“We have to put something together AND perform it all by tomorrow night.”
“You got this, Beck. You’re both experienced professionals.”
“His whole way of creating must be totally different from what I’m used to with the band. He’s a remixer and he’s a musical genius, it’s—”
“You’re not used to working on the fly?”
“Of course I am, but this is different because I’ve never worked with him before. What if it doesn’t work? What if he doesn’t like what I’m giving him? What if—”
“What if the sky falls in an hour?”
I let out a groan. “Violet—”
She pushed me back on the bed and straddled me. “Great things are only born from risking, daring, the actual attempts you make, and the hard work you put in.” She kissed me. “And from mistakes, right?”
I let out a sigh. “Right, o wise one.”
She kissed me again. “Trust your musical instincts. He does or he wouldn’t have asked you. Be open to learning from him and the whole experience.” Her tongue stroked at my lips. “I can’t wait.” Her hand slid down my dick.