“I’m not going to L.A..”
“Where are you going?”
“Beck, you should stay here tonight. You need rest.”
She had no fucking idea what I needed. Nobody did. Because I sure didn’t. I only knew I needed out of here.
“Why don’t you come with me to Rigger’s island? A bunch of us are going for two weeks of sun, sea, and sin. It might be the perfect escape for you with all this—”
“Hell no.”
A private island in the Caribbean owned by Rigger, a billionaire rapper buddy of the owner of Naomi’s PR firm. Rigger’s parties were legendary, if you could get an invite.
“Beck, come on. What you need is to not give so many fucks. You think too much, you—”
“Fuck off dammit!” My voice clipped hers right in two like a sharp axe chopping a block of wood. My insides shook. Slim cleared his throat.
I never snapped, especially at people I worked with, who worked for me. It wasn’t in me. Now, my tired body shuddered with the force of it. She only pressed her lips together, eyebrows jumping on her face. Naomi had the skin of a crocodile—she had to in her line of work. She was used to getting shitted on by clients, but not from me.
“Okay. Whatever you want,” she said softly. “Can I arrange anything for you? Take care of—”
“Nope. Did it all myself. I’m a big boy.”
The elevator doors swooshed open. Slim went out first, checked, and held the door as we moved out, him grabbing my suitcases.
“Stay in touch.” Naomi’s voice barely reached me. The elevator doors swooshed together and she was gone.
I climbed in the SUV, and the heavy door slammed shut after me. My head slid back on the thick leather, and my eyes shut closed. Wanted to be alone. Wanted to sleep.
Wanted out.
Where is Beck Lanier?
The lead guitarist of the group Freefall has not been seen for over a week. Since their highly successful Upshot tour finished, the rest of the band had a wild two days in Las Vegas celebrating the opening of a new bar owned by a friend of theirs before heading out on their own vacations.
When asked, not one commented on their missing bandmate. Are they protecting Beck, or does this mean there’s some kind of rift in the band? Has brooding Beck gone underground with his pain after pop diva Mae Sullivan dumped him for all the world to see? When will he come up for air? Stay tuned, we’re on this story.
We miss you, Beck!
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#Freefall #becklanier #maesullivan#MaeBeck#allthenews #allthesexxxy #justjana#newsgasm
Well,well, well, I’d certainly picked a hell of a night to party at our local strip club. For our tiny quiet town in the Black Hills of South Dakota, the Tingle was packed, jammed with men and women hungry for raunchy spectacle, steamy entertainment, and eager to pay for the thrills.
I was here for a thrill of my own, and I was determined to get one. I would gladly pay.