Was this the boyfriend she’d broken up with?
Had they gotten back together?
Is this why she’d had her phone off and in her suitcase?
My mouth dried, my tongue suddenly thick and useless.
No fucking way.
“Who the hell are you?” I said.
“Who amI?” His wide shoulders rolled back, his jaw jutting out, voice a snarl. “I’m her fiancé.”
It all happened so fast.
The ride to the airport. Checking in, boarding the plane. Changing planes in Denver for the flight to Rapid.
Without speaking, without looking Ladd in the eye. Without wanting to. Without giving a damn.
All I could see were the lines of Beck’s handsome face hardening, eyebrows pinching together, a scowl darkening those beautiful features. A sweep of disappointment that he quickly belted and yanked up like sagging trousers.
Yes, I lied to you.
Well, omitted the truth.
You thought I was good.
I’m the bad guy. Me.
I’d rendered Beck silent. I’d hurt him.
I’d pushed Ladd back into the elevator and hit the button. My gaze darting at Beck one last time. His face had settled into stone cold neutral as the doors sealed shut.
Was Beck shocked that he’d gotten tangled with yet another bullshit artist? Was he angry? Did he feel betrayed all over again, by me, the girl he could really talk to? The girl he felt comfortable with? Trusted?
I’d let him down, and I hated that, despised myself for it. We’d had an escape from reality, a refuge from bullshit. That’s what Beck and I were for each other; an oasis, a good place to land, even if it was only for a moment. I’d ruined it.
Now I was tossed in that refuse pile after Mae Sullivan. Would he ever trust any woman again? Certainly not me.
Now I was going home.Hooray.
And, oh yeah, Wes would kill me. I crossed my arms and twisted toward the airplane window.
I’d twisted my life up in knots.
Ladd didn’t say a word to me the entire flight to Denver other than, “Here are our seats.” I was the anathema seated next to him that he had to put up with. The bounty he’d hunted down and was hauling home for the big reward.
When I’d called Tara back last night she’d told me that Gigi had texted her asking about me. She was concerned because I hadn’t returned her texts, and that Ladd had complained to Dad that he couldn’t get a hold of me, that my phone was off. That had obviously made Dad suspicious because he was Dad.