Page 104 of Whirlwind

My hips rocked against his face. I couldn’t get enough, my flesh ablaze. I was all want, never-ending need. YES. I yelled out loud, flew off that cliff, all the while he didn’t stop or slow down, he was right there with me. His tongue licked and padded over me. His fingers receded.

Squeezing my legs together, I let out a moan. So many moans. “Your mouth is amazing.”

“Why thank you.” He bit my inner thigh. “Get up, babe.”

“After that, your wish is my command.” I sat up, and as he pushed back, I grabbed him and kissed him. I wanted to taste me on him. I wanted to share this moment.

I wanted more, so much more.

And I’d have it because we were here in this magical place together for dayyyyyssss. He slowed down the kiss, and a sigh escaped my swollen lips. He paid attention when he kissed. It was novel to me.

“Espresso?” He lifted up from the bed and wiped the hair from his face.

“Yes, please.”

We got dressed and downed a quick espresso from the machine in the kitchen. I texted with Mom, letting her know we’d arrived safely, the hotel was amazing, and all was great along with a few pics of the view from the infinity pool.

An hour later Beck and I were in the main town. Every structure was painted in extreme white with a labyrinth of tiny cobbled streets through which a thick crowd strolled to see and be seen, browsing at shop windows. Everything from souvenirs to high end luxury brands. This island definitely catered to the rich and decadent.

Beck had pulled back his hair in a small pony tail and wore a pair of sunglasses, his arm slung around me, holding me close in the moving throng. We passed designer boutiques, small jewelry shops, souvenir and gift stores, art galleries, restaurants, bars. Luckily I wore my not so high wedge espadrilles which were super comfortable and I was able to navigate the uneven stone-tiled walkways.

Paparazzi followed a ridiculously handsome man with his incredibly tall and gorgeous girlfriend. We overheard a British tourist comment about them as we passed. Handsome dude was a star soccer player from Spain who played on a Greek team. Beck steered me in the opposite direction from the scene.

We stopped and admired the clothes at a Greek designer’s boutique. “I want to get you something,” Beck said.

“You don’t have to do that.”

“We came here to be self-indulgent, didn’t we? I want to indulge you, and this is how I want to be self-indulgent right now.” His lips brushed my temple, and the firm press of his body against mine created a surge of heat inside me.

I took his hand in mine and squeezed. “You’ve been indulging me all day, Beck.” A sexy, warm laugh rolled from his lips. I touched the long necklace of beads he wore around his throat, remembering how they’d felt earlier rubbing against my bare breasts. His black linen shirt was unbuttoned all the way down his front, showing off that amazing chest I’d gotten familiar with all afternoon.I want to take those beads in my mouth, I want to lick a trail down those pecs and abs…I’d already done that. And I’d be doing it again in a few hours.

“Elena at the hotel told me this was a great store,” he said.

“She did?”

“I asked her for a recommendation. It does look good.”

He’d been planning this.

I touched his chest. “You like good clothes, don’t you? The whole fashion thing. You’re the snappy dresser in the band. Always well-dressed even when you’re going grungy.”

“I enjoy it.” His attention was focused on the dresses in the window. “My mom was a fashion stylist in L.A. for a while. Used to work on music videos and fashion shoots. That’s how she met my dad, dressing him for a video.”

“I didn’t know that. That’s amazing.”

“I inherited the fashion bug, I guess.” The tip of his tongue swiped at his lips. “Come on.” His voice was a certain kind of almost growly warm tone that made my insides coil with heat. How could the way he spoke enflame me with desire? Maybe it was the sun and sea air. The hot winds.

The way he sang had enflamed me years ago, that one simple kiss had done me in, and now? Now, we were next level.

We stepped inside the boutique, and his eyes gleamed at me with a promise that melted any words and thoughts from my already mushy brain.

Long layered dresses and tunic tops, billowy pants. A sea of muted cool tones and another of bright jewel colors.

“Hello, may I help you find something special?” came the saleswoman’s bright accented voice.

“Yes. I’d like to see a range of outfits for my lady here.” Beck squeezed my hand tight.

My lady? Omgaaaah.Well, what was he going to say—friend? Person I’m sleeping with? Sex partner? Fuck buddy?