“What I feel for you is bigger and deeper than some tagline I’ve always heard thrown around,” he said. “I can’t define it, and I don’t need to. These feelings I got for you aren’t just a part of me or one piece I got stashed inside. They are me.”
My heart squeezed in my chest, my mouth dried.Yes. Yes. Yes. It’s the same for me.“I love you too.”
He swallowed hard, his gaze focusing on my mouth, his hands rubbing the back of my neck. I pressed a hand over his chest where his heart beat hard and strong. I was safe there. I was on a beautiful adventure there.
His eyes brightened. “I liked hearing you say that.”
“I told my bros that I got a woman out of state, and they’re good with that,” he said, his voice lower. “And in case you’re wondering, the whores know it too.”
I ground my hips against his thigh, a small smile tugging on my lips. “I trust you.”
He slid a hand down my ass and pulled me against his erection, and I let out a gasp at the precise friction. “You’re going to be meeting college boys now, artsy-fartsy pretentious fuckers who are gonna try to get inside your panties.”
“So not interested. I’ve got the finest man ever, and he gives me everything I need. Everything I’ve ever wanted.”
He licked at my lips and they parted for him. He took my mouth, and I took his, our tongues greedy for one another. His thumb swept the side of my face. “I don’t want you worrying about this shit. I told the guys my woman’s got family problems, a sick dad with terminal cancer and she’s taking care of him and can’t leave home right now.”
Funny. I’d never pretended about having my dad in my life. Once he’d left, I’d shut him out. Was he still alive? Was he healthy, enjoying the good life with his new family, playing golf on the weekends in some fancy suburb and taking them on vacations? I’d never know, and I’d trained myself long ago not to care.
I swept the hair back from Finger’s face. He always kept it in his face, like he was hiding. I wanted to see him. My fingertips traced around those hard, dark eyes, the long, lean nose, rigid jaw, scarred, hollowed cheeks, dimpled chin.
“So many lies,” I said. “Always lies. You think we’ll ever be able to tell the truth?”
“As long as we never lie to each other, that’s all that matters. That’s what keeps this sweet,” he whispered hoarsely as his thumb swirled over my center. I rocked my hips to meet his steady, slick rhythm. “Yeah, so fucking sweet.”
He held my gaze, his eyes shining as the pleasure washed over me, sweeping me away with him into that spiraling current.
“You want a house one day? A kid?” he whispered. “Tell me what you want.”
“Yes, our house. Our baby.” I grinned. “Me baking brownies and you teaching him—”
“Or her.”
“Or her how to ride a bicycle in the yard.” I let out a laugh at my all-American cliché dream. But it was true.
“What a nice dream.” He stroked faster, his hips thrusting against mine. “I love you, Serena. That’s no dream. It’s real. You’re keeping that safe for me, aren’t you?” he breathed. “You have to. I need to know you are. That’s what keeps me sane.”
Being on the pill was the best. I pushed his hand away and guided his bare cock inside me. His loud gasp made my insides flutter.
I rocked into him. “Me too, baby. Every day.”
Iparked my bike and huntedfor a pay phone.
Over three months had gone by since I’d seen her, touched her. We both had cell phones now, frequently switching out numbers and cards. I used burners as well, but again, couldn’t take chances, so I used pay phones when I could. Since we’d last seen each other, she’d started school and loved it.
Today would be another visit to the flophouse. I called Serena and gave her the code for the time and place.
She’d only laughed.
My heart lurched at the sound of that laugh. Any other woman might have complained, bitched, and moaned. Not my woman. She was grateful for anything we managed to get.
“I’m bringing my own clean sheets this time,” she said.
Taking precautions got old, but we were used to it now. The risk still hung over us, clawed at us. You never knew what the fuck might find you around the corner. Med and his crew were on the move, and he was as unpredictable as ever, instigating aggression and negativity with the Flames, truce or no truce.