She nodded, her body shuddering, arms curled against her chest. I moved closer and she fell into my embrace, her cool damp skin against mine. “It’s okay. You’re here with me now. It’s over. It’s really over. You want something to drink?”
“Water,” she whispered hoarsely.
“Got bottles right here.”
I got out of the bed and grabbed a cold bottle from the pack Tania had stashed in the mini fridge and opened it for her. She took it, and I watched her throat move as she gulped.
“Slowly, baby. Slowly.”
She pulled the bottle away, her lips shiny and wet, her eyes gleaming. Better.
“You hungry? I was eating a PB and J Tania bought.”
I handed her the other half and she ate. We sat on the bed cross-legged, facing each other like two kids staying up late sneaking treats in the dark. Only we were naked and my cock was hard as a rock.
Her eyes danced in the half-light. “That’s good.”
I slanted my head at her. “The sandwich?”
We laughed.
“You want something else?”
“No more food.” Her knees grazed mine. “This is nice.”
“I haven’t had much of any nice.”
“You got it now.”
She leaned over and planted a soft kiss on the side of my face. “Hold me.”
I lifted her into my lap, wrapped her legs around me, and held her tightly. “Not letting go.”
She burrowed into me. My dick was thrilled to be making contact with her body again.
We fell back on the bed taking in each other’s breaths. My hand stroked her sides, and I gently kissed the tops of each soft breast as her fingers slid through my hair. I lay my head on her chest, and we drifted asleep on the erratic rhythm of each other’s heartbeats.
The sweep of something coolwhispered up over my naked body, and I forced my eyelids open. Tania. She pulled the sheet up over me and Serena who was asleep on my chest. I let out a grunt as I shifted her bare body to my side under the sheet.
“You okay?” Tania asked.
“You sure?”
I rubbed my eyes. “Yeah.”
“Go back to sleep. I didn’t mean to wake you. You two just looked like abandoned puppies for a minute there.”
I wiped a hand down my stubbly face and swung out of the bed, feet planting on the floor. “I’m going to take a shower.”
She cleared her throat at the sight of my morning wood. “Um, I got us some breakfast.” She turned away from me and quickly climbed back into her bed.