“Never,” she replied, squirming underneath me.
“After you got hitched and I didn’t hear from you again, I didn’t call you no more, did I?” I asked.
“I missed you,” she murmured, “Missed this.”
So had I.
My hand skimmed over her smooth panties, down between her legs. “You been faithful to your husband all these years?”
Her eyes held mine. “Yes.”
“Still married?”
“Getting a divorce.”
What a waste. “Fuck him.”
My hand slid inside her panty, my fingers hitting wet flesh, dragging through her, and she cried out. Grunting, I ripped the panty off her body and got up from the bed, snapping off my dirty leathers.
“All these years later, Tania, and you still fucking do it for me.”
A lazy grin curled her lips. “Hallelujah.”
My clothes fell to the floor.
She sat up on her elbows, her mouth dry. “Finger—”
Tania always flew on instinct then immediately assessed the potential damages. Sometimes you just had to say fuck it all. Like right now.
My hand pumped my cock. “You want it?”
Her eyes went to my cock, her eyebrows lifting, her lips parting. No words.
I nudged her legs open with one of mine and leaned down and kissed her, our eyes still on each other, my hard length rubbing down her middle.
She gripped my arms. “We can’t do this. Not now. Not anymore. We had our time, you and me, and I liked it. I fucking loved it. But we shouldn’t go back there.”
Can’t? Shouldn’t? Since when?
I lifted from the bed and sat up on the edge. She took my hands in hers, kissing one then the other just above where the middle fingers were missing.
“I don’t want to go backward with you,” she said. “I want you in my life—you are. You will always be in my life—but I need to keep moving forward. We both do.”
Moving forward.
I pulled my hands from hers. I wanted this. I needed this now from Tania. She looked good, and I’d liked being with her tonight. I’d certainly enjoyed the show we’d given the Jacks a fuck of a lot. I’d missed enjoying a lot of things lately.
She tugged her bra back into place, pulling her shirt down. “You know she’s here, don’t you? I saw her. Talked to her. She’s good friends with Grace now. She has a business here in town. She’s—”
“I know.”
Her dark eyes flared. “Of course you know.”
“I’ve always known.” Maybe not always, but long enough, long enough that it felt like forever. And now Tania and Lenore were buddies again? Let’s all be fucking best friends. “Were you going to say anything?”
“I saw her for the first time a few weeks ago when Grace introduced us. Lenore, as she’s called now, pulled me aside and asked me not to say anything to anybody.” Tania sat up straighter on the bed. “Hell, I don’t know what to say when it comes to you two. You had it all, and you both let it go.”
“You call that having it all?”