I stood up. “You’re going to make this up to your club, and you’re not going to like it.”
“I know.” He slumped over on the floor, the bottle wrapped up in his arms. “Whatever it takes. I’ll do it.”
A knock on the door and Butler opened up, lifting his chin at me. I followed him back upstairs, neither of us speaking. In the lounge, Jump and I made small talk. People around us relaxed again.
“Catch ruined your party?” I asked.
“We were having a family celebration,” he replied, his voice a sneer.
“I was on the road, heading home when I found out. Came straight here,” I said.
Butler shot Tania a look, and she shot one right back, her face streaked red. Why would he give a shit that Tania and I knew each other? That she’d called me? Because he gave a shit about Tania, that’s why. And she seemed to give a shit what he thought.
“You and your men will stay,” said Butler. “We’ve got plenty of food and drink and room for you all to spend the night.”
My eyes darted at Jump who only shifted his weight, his lips pressed together. He still refused to be even a bit hospitable.
I was going to make this a memorable night. “Will do,” I replied.
Butler motioned to one of the girls. “A bottle of Jack.”
The old ladies hustled and brought out food for me, Drac, and Slade. I stuck to the liquor, my eyes sticking on Tania. She looked good. More than good. I wanted to test my theory about her and Butler. I also wanted to make sure that Tania, who’d called me in, the sister to the Flame who kept fucking up with the Jacks, was not going to be fucked with by them. Not ever.
Lock, Boner, and Kicker, their VP, came over for an official greeting and welcome. They explained that tonight had been the christening party for Lock and Grace’s new baby boy.
“Ah, congratulations. Great news.” I shook Lock’s hand. “Could I congratulate your old lady?”
“Of course.” Lock gestured at Grace, who stood with Tania, to come over.
“This here your old lady?” I asked, taking in Grace. Gone was the sad, hollow-eyed girl I’d seen in that Harley Davidson store in Colorado years ago. In her place was a very attractive and confident woman at ease in her own skin.
“Yes, this is Grace,” said Lock, his hands on his wife’s shoulders.
I offered her my hand. “We met once. Long time ago.” Centuries ago, with Dig at a charity run in Iowa.
She shook my hand firmly. “Yes, we did.”
We spoke for a bit, and I glanced at Tania who was suddenly keeping very quiet. “You and Tania are good friends?”
“Since forever,” replied Grace, a wide grin warming her hazel eyes.
“She’s a good friend to have.” I rolled the liquor in my glass. “Congratulations on the baby.” I raised my glass at Lock. “I apologize for Catch ruining your night.”
“Thank you,” murmured Grace, pressing into her old man’s side.
Jump gestured at someone behind me, and two girls appeared and settled suggestively on either side of my chair.
“Anything you need, Finger, you let me know,” Jump said.
I ignored him, I ignored the women. My eyes snagged on Tania’s as I drank. I held the empty glass out to her. “Pour me another, would you, Tania?”
She shot up from her seat, bumping into Butler in the process. He stiffened, she got a bottle and poured the refill, and I grabbed her by the arm, pulling her to sit on my lap. The air suddenly got thick, a charge of electricity zapping around us as if the room were under threat of an impending thunderstorm. Everyone stilled, watching us, waiting for the black sky to break open. Butler’s face hardened even more.
Jump rattled on and on about Catch, complaining, and I listened with one ear.
“Butler, your old lady is Reich’s sister-in-law?” I asked, handing Tania my drink, and he and I both watched her take a long sip, her face reddening.
Butler cleared his throat. “That’s right.” His intent gaze darted to me then back to Tania.